Guilds new Mascot...sort of
We use it on everything now....the girl in the pic that is, the teamspeak banner, the homepage, everything. We like it
BotJ Gallery Banner Picture
We have the Axe for our capes so we had a green looking tatto put on her back. Yes she is missing some straps like the 15k top has, but it was meant to be like that
BotJ Gallery Banner Picture
We have the Axe for our capes so we had a green looking tatto put on her back. Yes she is missing some straps like the 15k top has, but it was meant to be like that
prodigy ming
thats hot.... nicely done! : )
Kago Seirei
That is pretty nice.
Elrond Afil
I just want to say that this site has a very neat design, better then most professionaly sites ive seen, very nice
Very nice, very clean.
Storm Crow
thats awesome Akilles, really cool!
Why use flash to show an image gallery? Overly complex, UI hidden from view.
The picture was nice in that it didn't have terribly overwrought effects or other dancing bologna.
I'm curious, how much did you pay the model and did you get their likeness release for publication?
The picture was nice in that it didn't have terribly overwrought effects or other dancing bologna.
I'm curious, how much did you pay the model and did you get their likeness release for publication?
Retribution X
it's Awsome.
If Kago says it's good, It's gotta be good.
Get a demonstration of FoW female monk. i'd love that one.
If Kago says it's good, It's gotta be good.
Get a demonstration of FoW female monk. i'd love that one.
Juicey Shake
annoying interface/font but cool picture of the model.
nice mascot
from the backside, the model's pretty nice :P
really nice job
Murder In China
Interesting backside, care to show us the front? d=
Don't really see the connection between Guild Wars and that so I'm afraid I will have to be the only person who does not say its good. It's not bad, but I would not call it good either.
The connection is that the tattoo is their cape insignia. As said in the original post... And um, nice mascot!
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
Don't really see the connection between Guild Wars and that so I'm afraid I will have to be the only person who does not say its good. It's not bad, but I would not call it good either.
The girl in said banner is based on a female warrior model. She is wearing 15k glads (without the bra-peice of the hauberk) with 15k platemail gloves, with the guild's cape insignia tatooed on her shoulderblade.
Remember, in this case the branding is focused on the guild per se, and not on the Guild Wars[tm] product. Using the elements from the game in an artistic way to create a derivitive work seems effective for establishing the role that they claimed for mascot (read: branding element).
If they were to then turn this element into a commercial effort, then there might be some copyright violations, especially if people end up mistaking this picture for an actual representation of the in-game art.
If they were to then turn this element into a commercial effort, then there might be some copyright violations, especially if people end up mistaking this picture for an actual representation of the in-game art.
Storm Crow
thank you for the fill-in on the very important info, sledge! (no, not trying to be sarcastic)