Hey! love this game! but i think a few of these would make it better
My first and most important idea, you could do with a page that displays the stats of your char better, showing full defence,full attack. things like that
To be able to check other peoples items would be a nice feature, for example by clicking their name brings up a menu.
Some more features in the guild board would be good, like and option to do guild tax's, say you can specify a certain amount of gold that comes from each player everyday, which goes into a guild fund pot.
A tattoo shop tht avery1 cud use would be brill?
On the guild screen + friends list, b usefull if it displayed where the player was + what district they where in if in town
Horses that would be rideable and can also be used to attack on.but horses slowed if creatures saw you, that way you couldnt run past them
another thing that would be cool, is full customization of armour using dye, so u could change the colour of all the little bits on it,this way no 1 would look the same.
how about weapons showable in towns? no1 really gets to see each others weapon and i think yould like to show of ur flaming sword if u had one
This is all ive got atm but maybe il think up some more soon!
Ideas For Game