Want to start a ranger but have questions...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


I'm interested in starting a ranger, but honestly...im not sure what to do! I feel like rangers have so many different skills that I'm not sure which path to take, anyone have successful ranger/___ builds they want to share??



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Berkeley, CA

I'd suggest you skim these boards and read up on any of the several "Why do Rangers suck?" threads. Personally, I play a Ranger and I disagree, as do many others who post to those threads explaining their strategies for making Rangers work. It's a difficult class and not one I would recommend for your first time through - Warriors and Elementals are easier, and Monks are in super-high demand so you wouldn't have any trouble getting in a group.

I think most will agree, however, that a successful ranger needs to bone up on Expertise and Marksmanship. Wilderness Survival comes in second for me, and I don't pay any attention to Beastmastery because I don't think it's worth it. Others will disagree, and explain how much their pet kicks ass. Me, I just don't like giving up the necessary skill slots for a pet.