"While you maintain this "Enchantment", whenever target ally takes attack damage, this spell deals 66% of the damage back to the source (maximum 5-17) and you lose 10 energy."
Does the enchantment end if you can't pay the 10 energy? It doesn't say in the description on this site, and I don't have the skill yet.
I was thinking of trying it with my Wa/Mo in PvE for farming. Basically, I toss up Mending and Holy Wrath, then wade through crowds of stuff that has trouble doing significant damage to me. (I have a lot of absorbtion, and I'd spam Watch Yourself too)
Maybe a little Bonetti's Defense + Symbol of Wrath too.
Question on Holy Wrath
Maintained enchantments always end when you run out of energy.
Originally Posted by Draken
Maintained enchantments always end when you run out of energy.
Wrong, enchantments end only when it's caused by negative energy regeneration... or when it is described in the skill (as in Protective Bond).
In case of Holy Wrath - it will not end if you run out energy, but if you have energy degeneration too - it will eventually end.
In case of Holy Wrath - it will not end if you run out energy, but if you have energy degeneration too - it will eventually end.
Makes an interesting spell for a Whammo who doesn't need energy to cast on their monk.
Replying to posts made half a year ago ftl. Closed.