Hey all,
What exactly is the deal with the way runes stack on armor/weapons? Obviously I know you can't get two of the same rune on a single item. On top of that though, i'm confused because it seems certain armor pieces don't stack either. I had a rune of marksmanship on my leggings, chest, and mask but was only getting +2. I did a little experimenting and chest + mask worked, and mask + legs worked, but I only gained +1 from chest + legs. Are we restricted to 1 per type on our 4 main body slots? Until I get a more clear answer I'm going with beast on chest, expert on gloves, marks on legs, and wilderness on boots. If they don't stack though, I suppose the draw for a major rune is to put a major rune on one slot and then put a major vigor on another to make up for the lost hp. Anyway, I hope this made sense, and any responses would definitely be appreciated.
-Morpheus Katuro
Rune question
"1 per type on our 4 main body slots?"
Yes, you can only use one per type. I.E. you could only use one marksmenship rune (superior, major, or minor) on one of the five pieces. You couldn't put a minor on one then a major on a different piece....well, you can put them on but only get the benefit of one.
Yes, you can only use one per type. I.E. you could only use one marksmenship rune (superior, major, or minor) on one of the five pieces. You couldn't put a minor on one then a major on a different piece....well, you can put them on but only get the benefit of one.
Fenix Swiftblade
The mask bonus isn't a rune, it's a property of the mask.
The biggest thing to remember with whether or not things stack is that at least 95% of the time (I'm pretty sure it's actually 100% of the time) if the two things have the same name they don't stack, and if they have different names and types they will stack. I.E. only your most powerful "rune of whatever" will be counted, but if you have another item that increases the same stat it will stack with the rune, I.E. the high level masks. It's the same thing as what stacks with what in terms of degeneration. Two instances of the same skill wont stack, but two different skills that cause degen will stack.
The biggest thing to remember with whether or not things stack is that at least 95% of the time (I'm pretty sure it's actually 100% of the time) if the two things have the same name they don't stack, and if they have different names and types they will stack. I.E. only your most powerful "rune of whatever" will be counted, but if you have another item that increases the same stat it will stack with the rune, I.E. the high level masks. It's the same thing as what stacks with what in terms of degeneration. Two instances of the same skill wont stack, but two different skills that cause degen will stack.