aaaaarrrgggh help
A Leprechaun
i have shrunk my screen shot for my profile picture to 100 by 100 pixels but it still wont exept it please can somone help
Beyond size limits, is there a requirement for file size or format? If you try to add and it doesn't accept, it should tell you why. What does it say?
What format is the file you are trying to load? How big?
What format is the file you are trying to load? How big?
A Leprechaun
i dont know i will try to find out a sec
A Leprechaun
it says 30000 bytes
when i try to use it it says not valid image file
when i try to use it it says not valid image file
What's the file type? If it's a .bmp or such you might want to convert it to .jpg.
You should note that Avatar's are limited to 100*100 size as well a ~19.5KB in file size.
Your file is ~29.29KB big, thus it's too big to be used as an Avatar. even if it meets the 100*100 standard, if the file size is too large it will be disallowed. If it's saying the file isn't a valid image file - check the file format and ensure it's a .jpg (.jpg's compression is better than .bmp, and thus will take up less file space).
You should note that Avatar's are limited to 100*100 size as well a ~19.5KB in file size.
Your file is ~29.29KB big, thus it's too big to be used as an Avatar. even if it meets the 100*100 standard, if the file size is too large it will be disallowed. If it's saying the file isn't a valid image file - check the file format and ensure it's a .jpg (.jpg's compression is better than .bmp, and thus will take up less file space).
Jiao Yang
how to you change the format.. say from .bmp to .jpg?
Originally Posted by Jiao Yang
how to you change the format.. say from .bmp to .jpg?