Please Read, lots of errors


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ok this will be a pretty long post. Sorry for some misspleing but im typing fast. First befor a state my 3 error's i will give you my comp stats of my brand new built computer. Built it on 5/13/05

- 1 gig DDR RAM
- AtI 9200 extasy vedio card
- DFI Lanparty 250 GB motherboard
- Athalon AMD 64 3200+ processor
- Sound blaster sound card and a Invedia soundcard that came with Motherboard.

Error 1- First soundcard i had, (one came with motherboard Nvedia) sound would play in menu login screen then stop in real game. I would turn sound off in menu in options then put it back up in real game and sometimes it would come up. But i would get a crash were blue came on the screen boxed in by black. Another i would hear a stalling sound on a black screen. Tried another soundcard. (Sound Blaster)Music works in real game yet i get the black screen with the wierd sound. And Error 2 comes in faster. I made a post about the sound proplem.

Other post message.
i hear the sound in the menu screen and charicter selected, but when i go into the real game sound compleatly goes off. No sound at all. Options the sound is turned all the way up and speakers.. what do i do!?!

I got this response to the question.
First thing i would reccomend is updating audio drivers. If that doesnt work, you could try turning down audio acceleration in DXDIAG. (Start > Run > type "dxdiag" in the run box without the quotes) then click the sound tab. Also run the Direct X tests while you're there for audio. From Kitar.

Well i did go to dxdiag and set my audio acceleration to the lowest and well it stayed stable for a little bit with sound and then did the following

-Screen stoped for about 5 seconds, Went black, sound made a wierd clicking noise. Came back up.
-Few min. later-
-Moniter turned off (Error 2) but then came back on.
-Few min. later-
- Went black made the wierd sound with the black screen.

Now you say check drivers wich i will do but i built my computer on the 13 of may using a Lan Party motherboard, (see stats) and i thought i had latest drivers. Maybe not. Im also gonna try reinstalling game. Trying the other soundcard again that did not play the sound in main game. With lower acceleration.

Thats it for that now to error 2 ...
Error 2- While playing without sound with first vediocard i would get this after playing for wow i cant tell you. I didnt really keep track of time but pretty long after i started. Maybe a few hours. Moniter would turn off. Green light on my Sony Vaio moniter from green to yellow and when i turned off the moniter and back on, it would stay yellow and screen would stay Black. Like i said with other soundcard this error came up way way faster then usuall. Sometimes i can get it to come back up from black screen were it states a error but i must do it again to find error. Did not copy it last time i got it back up. But its not a game message error.

And error 3

Error 3 is small sorta kinda
- When going from a zone 2 another sometimes.. it will stay at 0 in loading screen and then say was not able to connect ect. ect. (Err=5) i believe. But i have a fast connection, usually it loads very quickly, i just dont know. Is this the game? or me?

And those are my proplems, pretty much all of them right now. Im trying a bunch of new things and sending in a sound proplem to guildwars support but if any of you could help me with any of this. suggestions or anything i would greatly appreaciate it. lots of work 2 be done in this new computer. The game works fine, no lag, full settings, but theres these proplems.

please please please help me with anything.

Darkest Dawn

Darkest Dawn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, USA



The obvious you already know, check for updates. Specifically, check for updates for your motherboard as well. Hopefully you have a cd with all the drivers. Even if there is no updates, you could try and reinstall the software. There is also a chance there is a hardware issue, but only if this problem with the sound is in other apps and games as well.

Your graphics card is old, and will struggle with higher settings, but I think it's okay. With the superior computer you have, just know that an older graphics card(gpu) will bottleneck your system. If you have the funds to spend, and the inkling to do so, consider a newer gpu. You can get an ATI 9800 pro for 100-125 on Also, you could get a nVidia 6600GT for around 150 bucks there as well. Both these cards are way better, and fairly nicely priced for the budget minded consumer.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


thanks for the respond, the vediocard i have went for 100 so i thought it would be fine. I downloaded latest drivers and still the basic same errors occure.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

You disabled the onboard sound chip from within the bios already?

How knowledgeable are you with computers? If you built this yourself, and if you're not very knowledgeable, I would do some research on properly installing a heatsink on a CPU and make sure your's is properly installed.

Find and run a memory testing program in order to validate the stability of your RAM.

Verify physically that everything is plugged in very well. Check your RAM cards, your sound card, your video card, all of the cables within the case, and all of the exterior cables.

Research and verify that you have proper cooling. Note: Having many fans does not mean you have proper cooling. The fans have to be strategically installed in order to promote good air flow in and out of the case.

Run "dxdiag" from the run command on the start menu. Save and post your log here.

While the computer is running, carefully look inside the case and verify that all fans are turning (I found one of my fans was failing randomly, from a recent check).

There are lots of possibilities at this point.