you don't make as much money for any rare items selling to merchants and they are RARE they should make you some money for buying or finding keys to opens chests or getting rare drops the stuff is suppose to be good being rare you know its suppose to be better then average but its not.
people doing runs everywhere i don't see how this is really good besides having 50/50 chance to scam people out of money this running is also overpriced for missions and stuff aswell as people that get with groups to run to high lv places put the rest of the party at a disadvantage given the low lv takes a hit or two and is dead then someone might have to rez them and they die over and over again wasting time and effert of the team.if anything if your going to charge for a run or anything try to keep it under 1k since money for some of us is hard to make since merchants pay diddly.
i've come across really low lv players in areas that you need to be lv 20 and or ascended to be at but these players are like under lv 10 i've seen this guy that was lv 2 or so in droks its just not right.
more to come.
Issues with making money
Sly Sniper
Mercury Angel
Good gracious, punctuation is not just for the end of paragraphs, you know...
That aside, the rambling nature of the thread is rather confusing, but going on a limb here, I'd say it's all been posted before. Threads on running, making money, and so on.
That being the case, with this being a nuisance, /closed.
That aside, the rambling nature of the thread is rather confusing, but going on a limb here, I'd say it's all been posted before. Threads on running, making money, and so on.
That being the case, with this being a nuisance, /closed.