Best Image Contest.
I'm hosting a Best Image Contest. Winner gets 10k and assorted golds of your choice(7 total). Best image, that I feel is best, will win. No, I cannot win my own contest, but I was going to post an image, but Putfile doesn't want it. It has me in THK(thunderhead keep) as Nilator The Healer, using smites and 2 death magic skills(death nova and bone horror), and a group member had returned from AFK. Saying this: "sorry i forgot i joined a group and started masterbating im back tho". This is no joke. Feel free to post images here, or PM them to me. If I feel that there is a best picture in everyone else's oppinon, you will recieve a prize also. So, start showing the images! Thank you all.
found this one rather amusing
eek what happened to its oclours o.O
eek what happened to its oclours o.O
Vermilion Okeanos
LOL, bravo to that picture.
It is apparently photoshoped with its color so is look more like hell or something.
It is apparently photoshoped with its color so is look more like hell or something.
actually i yust changed it from bmp to jpg and bam it became all green
pretty nice touch it did on itself. haha
even the caption is quite fitting!
i shall be back with a image of something to enter this lil contest
is there any limit to how many images you can submit?
even the caption is quite fitting!
i shall be back with a image of something to enter this lil contest
is there any limit to how many images you can submit?
Post as many images that you feel are good.
leeky baby
il post some when image shake starts to work
lol >.>
did'nt notice that freeky leg on the left til now T-T;
Hanso Togakure
Hmmmm...... Elites anyone?
Another Guildy
Good ol' Craigs Long Sword of Compensation
no weird photshopping glitches now
The Son Of Morgoth
I had originally posted this on my guild forum when me and a guildie (the guy i just pushed) were doing an oro run. Needless to say without a heal monk that oro run suxed.......
I couldn't decide on a single image, so, I present to the judge:
Sunset in Ascalon...
and daybreak in Kryta...
Sunset in Ascalon...
and daybreak in Kryta...
Elena's first one = absolute best so far. Very funny stuff.
The Son Of Morgoth
lol yeah another post of my guild forum of me interacting with water buffalos in bergen hot guildie snapped it for me
lol yeah another post of my guild forum of me interacting with water buffalos in bergen hot guildie snapped it for me
i think this is cute ;P but the the colors got messed up >_< o and ignore the ele behind us
ignore the stupid "no one can hear you" thing.. its quite funny
GAH! the image is small.. what i'm saying is "they're huge"
Elena = the winner, no contest
Guardian of the Light
Vermilion Okeanos
Originally Posted by Aejorii
Wow, that got to be the runner up. If you had 20-50 more of them... I think you would take the crown.
Ultimate Warrior
Look in the sky! Its a bird! Its a plane! No its SUPER MONK!!!!
Originally Posted by sno
Originally Posted by Goats17
Elena = the winner, no contest
yay i got support
I am the rreaperr..
Lozza thats cheating :P! but damn i dont remember any of the other screens now what was this forum about ?
Originally Posted by tryptamine_xxp
Lozza thats cheating :P! but damn i dont remember any of the other screens now what was this forum about ?
T-T psh, that ain't cheatin.
Kago Seirei
I'll post one up later. : |
Mmm one of my favs...
XtrmEend Enjoying The island. Rathcail
"I didn't see any grawl." Aejorii
Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
Wow, that got to be the runner up. If you had 20-50 more of them... I think you would take the crown.
Here's a few more semi-interesting ones
Ulivious The Reaper there we go :P
It all depends, are we looking for art? Or the screenshot that makes us laugh? I tend to take pictures of the art in this game, so here are a few resized artistic shots.
__There is almost no place more interesting than the Krytan Swamps___ __________________________________________________ __________ __I've won HoH 5 times, but the PvE version leaves time for screenshots__ __________________________________________________ _____________ __One of these days I am going to stand on that castle and cast firestorm__ ___________________(If only there was a way up there)_________________ __It was a "Silent Night", even with Gaile there, the spam was nothing at all__ ___________(Compared to her most of her other LA visits that is)__________ __I did not start in the front of the line, but I cut in as they ran by__ __:Imageshack just went under as far as hosting goes:___________ __Chasing Stormy Weather, I perfer taking pictures over running with them__ __________________________________________________ _______________ Big_Iron bulletsmile
Ok maybe you have seen this picture before or not, anyway, it's me and my best friend =)
lambda the great
I need to get my eye's check now; so many bright flashlights.
Swampgirl Inez
Touring Tyria:
good boys
I dont know why but i love this pic XtrmEend
WoodyDotNet I love that picture, very nice.