55 build 55 health solo build abs (Rune of) Absorption afaik as far as I know afk away from keyboard AoE Area of Effect AotL Aura of the Lich AL Armor Level AP Armor Penetration asc Ascalon AtB Awaken the Blood atm at the moment attrib attribute b/o buyout B/P Barrage/Pet ranger bbiab be back in a bit bbl be back later Bio bathroom break (biological waste) BiP Blood is Power Bonder Protection monk focusing on Life Bond boon prot Monk with Divine Boon and prot skills BR Blood Ritual brb be right back btw by the way BWE Beta Weekend Event c/o current offer CA Random Arenas - it used to be called Competitive Arenas cap sig Signet of Capture CoF Cry of Frustration CoP Contemplation of Purity CR Chest Run CR SI Chest Run Self Invite DD Direct Damage DDF Defend Droknar's Forge DF Divine Favor dis district DNKP Defend North Kryta Province DOT Damage Over Time dp death penalty DPS Damage Per Second Drok's Droknar's Forge, or armor crafted there Edge Edge of Extinction EDrain Energy Drain EoE Edge of Extinction EW Energizing Wind FA Final Assault, quest of Sorrow's Furnace FDS Fiery Dragon Sword FFS(weapon) Fiery Flame Spitter ffs(non-weapon) for f****'s sake FoC Feast of Corruption FOTM Flavor of the Month FoW Fissure of Woe FS Frozen Soil FTL For The Lose FTW For The Win g gold GF Grenth's Footprint GG Good Game GJ Good Job GL Guild Lord GLF Group Looking For gl hf good luck; have fun GoR Glyph of Renewal GvG Guild versus Guild HA Heroes' Ascent HoD Henge of Denravi HoH Hall of Heroes HP hit points, health IDS Icy Dragon Sword imho in my humble/honest opinion imo in my opinion int international (district) IRC Internet Relay Chat irl in real life IW Illusionary Weaponry IWAY "I Will Avenge You! j/k just kidding k thousand/platinum LA Lion's Arch, trade center of GW LDD Last Day Dawns LFG Looking For Group LFP Looking For Party LFR Looking For Runner LMAO Laughing my ass off LMFAO Laughing my F***ing ass off LoS line of sight MF Minion Factory mIRC IRC client MM Minion Master MoI Mantra of Inscriptions MoR Mantra of Recall MT mistell, a message sent to the wrong person NPC Non Player Character omw on my way obo or best offer OoB Offering of Blood Oro Orozar Highstone, Sorrow's Furnace denizen and quest p platinum PBAoE Point Blank AoE PC Price Check pip arrow of health or energy regeneration PM Private Message PMSL Pissing Myself prep preparation PS Protective Spirit PST Please Send Tell, which means Whisper PUG Pickup Group PvE Player versus Environment PvP Player versus Player QZ Quickening Zephyr RA Random Arenas Renewal Glyph of Renewal res Resurrect rez Resurrect RoF (location) Ring of Fire, either the mission outpost or island chain RoF (skill) Reversal of Fortune ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing s/b starting bid sac sacrifice SB Spell Breaker SF Sorrow's Furnace SI Self Invite SoA Scavengers of Ascalon SOJ Shield of Judgement SS (skill) Spiteful Spirit SS (non-skill) screenshot Sup Superior (Rune) stfu shut the f*** up SV Sympathetic Visage TA Team Arenas TF Tiger's Fury THK Thunderhead Keep TOA Temple of Ages Tombs Tomb of the Primeval Kings (PvE), Heroes' Ascent (PvP) ToPK Tomb of the Primeval Kings TS Teamspeak, a voice chat program ttyl talk to you later tyt take your time UAS Unlock All Skills UAX Unlock Everything UW Underworld Vent Ventrilo, a voice chat program VIM "Victory Is Mine!" VoD "Victory or Death!" wammo W/Mo, usually self-healing WaW Worlds at War, term for the current Favor system WoH Word of Healing WTB Willing To Buy WTF What the f*** WTS Willing To Sell WTT Willing To Trade