I know everyone would just love the have the henchman AI improved, but that isn't exactly what this post is about.
As most if not all of us know by now, henchmen get their fair share of all the drops that are given in the course of an outing. What would be nice and rather interesting is if they made use of some of them during the course of an outing.
What I mean say the mage for instance is using ad 8-11 fire wand and comes across a max damage 11-22 wand and can use it.. He should be able to equip it and use it until he goes back into a town and resets.
Of course it the concept would apply to ALL the henchies and their special items. But hey.. if we are missing out on these rare and max damage drops.. at least let the henchies use them..
Henchies and Their Drops
When has a henchmen gotten items...? I must be sleeping each time I use em to have missed it, inwhich case, adding it would be horrible and a waste for most people.
Vangor - you don't see the drops henchmen get; the game doesn't show them. Trust me, they're getting them, which is why you see much less loot per kill than if you solo.
When going out with henchies your drop rate is less because they get drops too, you just cant see them. Well actually i should not say thats it is less. It is the same, whether going with 7 henchies or 7 real players the drop rate for each individual charictor is the same.
Yeah. I can only imagine the drop items I've never seen because the henchies got em. It would at least be nice to see every drop and who it was assigned to, as it is when you are with a real player group. That way at least you could measure a zones worth, and calculate whether or not you should revisit the area with a full player team.
Oh, I've noticed drop rates are lessened, I had always assumed they were, but I'll kill ten mobs and out of them get six pieces of loot...don't know what to say.