I was recently playing a game know as "runescape" before i played GW and they had mini-games, like castle wars (basicly capture the flag, but you could fight) and i thought that something like this on guild wars would be a great idea! 2 teams, red and blue, consisting of 16 players each team. The idea is to capture your oponents flag and take it back to your base. (the flags start off in each teams base) The winning team is the one that scores the most times. Each player wears a colored cape (red or blue) indicating which team they are on. Players on opposite teams can fight each other. If you die, you get sent back to your respawn room/location/whatever. You can use trebuchats/catapults to attack your opponents castle. Also there would be under ground passages to sneak into your opponents base etc. I know all of this may not work out but maybe we could try it and edit it, see how it goes
Please post your ideas on what you think.
Capture the flag/castle wars mini-game
Try playing gvg....
it uses flags but in a different way
it uses flags but in a different way
Akbur the great
I loved castle wars from RS2 before i started GW, however if taking ideas from RS means absorbing the gay ideas like frikken triker' treatin then i say screw it leave GW as it is (mostly) and anyway theres a kinda Capture the flag in GW already (capture the relic) but its not all that fun and should be inproved upon.
blues monk
Since i started to play GW i thought that there was somekind of castel/capture the flag battleground....but there wasn't.
So i can only hope that there will be one someday
I am very happy with the faction 12v12 battleground were u have to control the most bases...more tacticks! The normal battlegrounds are a bit to 1 on 1 (teams) for my taste. And can't wait to see more different types of battlegrounds to choose from.
So yes i think its a verry good idea!!!
So i can only hope that there will be one someday
I am very happy with the faction 12v12 battleground were u have to control the most bases...more tacticks! The normal battlegrounds are a bit to 1 on 1 (teams) for my taste. And can't wait to see more different types of battlegrounds to choose from.
So yes i think its a verry good idea!!!
Blues...try GvG, it's sorta castle vs castle I suppose...