Ri/R, how viable a BeastMaster?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

I see the necro thread there, but I think 16DM will normally win out.
However I was wondering about being a true pet master.

One thing I didn't try out during the last Factions weekend was this combination - doesnt scream PvP anyways. But adding a big chunk of health to your pet sounds pretty good doesn't it?

Looking a little further -

At 0 BM your pet still has the same health @level 20 as at 16 BM.
Many discussions plainly suggest BM12 is all you need, don't need to reach 16.

Now you may not nab 16 spawning power for the 64% but plan to aim high. One reason though you might not burn it all out there is adding spirits that pass on health (I believe?) would also target your pet, or adding in some extra attacking spirits, etc.

I'm not immediately suggesting a better beastmaster - rangers expertise makes pet attacks cheaper >> the extra pip of a ritualist if you've produced such an attack configuration. I am however suggesting that there might be some fun to be had here - ie go for the 'attack' version of your lvl20 pet, toss in some spawning points to make them equivalent to the 'hp' version or beyond, and play with mixing in spirits or anything that works with your pet, for another flavor of a 'primary beastmaster'.

[Or at 0 BM get a 'healthy' lvl 20 pet, turn up its hp with your spawning power, with a little thought and something providing damage you have a tag-along with some serious HP to get in the way/take some aggro.]

Become a lot more clearer trying it in March.
[Did anyone happen to confirm Spawning power up'd pet hp?]



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Northwest Ascalon



Originally Posted by CKas
[Did anyone happen to confirm Spawning power up'd pet hp?]
No first-hand knowledge on my part, however it specifically called out pets in the magazine article, saying that they were indeed affected. I'll let you know in March.

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

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I don't think so, anymore than casting spells like, "Vital Blessing" on your pet will help. The benefits of higher Beast Mastery for more damage reduction from Call of Protection and a more manageable Comfort Animal would likely rate higher for a 'pure' beast master.

On the other hand, running skills like Vengeful Weapon with support heals on a pet tank could be fairly useful, whilst Brutal Weapon on an offensive pet, or Ancestor's Rage and Nightmare Weapon/Splinter Weapon on either type of pet would aid in damage nicely as well.

In the end, if nothing else, I forsee an increase in usability of pets, though whether or not you'll actually see them being used is a whole other story.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


To begin, the Pet AI is horrid. I think Pet damage is affected by attribute level also.

Ritualist spawning power does NOT affect pets. It affects things you create/animate by 4% per rank.

You are better off using R/Ri for weapon spells but for binding rituals you would need the spawning power to be effective.

David Lionmaster

Frost Gate Guardian

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I also thought about the advantages of a Ri/R beastmaster, since I play a full Beastmaster in pvp, with some smiting skills to pump up my pets damage (screw bows, the smiting staff is better for my build). I think that in PvE the extra hp would be useful so your pet can stay alive, but in PvP no one ever attacks my pet, so I think the extra damage from 16 BM would be more beneficial. When someone is being pounded on by my pet, they just try to run, which isn't effective, due to call of haste, lol. Anyway, it could be interesting trying out a Ri/R or a R/Ri.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
To begin, the Pet AI is horrid. I think Pet damage is affected by attribute level also.

Ritualist spawning power does NOT affect pets. It affects things you create/animate by 4% per rank.

You are better off using R/Ri for weapon spells but for binding rituals you would need the spawning power to be effective.

Ok already knew pet AI was horrid, but again the topic is being a beastmaster, not how hard that might be

Pet damage is effected by attribute level but just like a weapon it tails off after 12. I don't know if it impacts 'pet criticals' but from most BM posts I've read it seems 12 is a pretty good #.

That'd be interesting if spawning power doesn't help pets. That'd be a complete turn-around from the CGW article stating it helps pets but doesn't mention minions. Since then there's a lot of chat about it effecting minions but not pets so much. That's quite a 180 if so.

So... giving the pet a weapon works but spawning doesnt...
Oh well who said anything has to make too much sense eh?

Yeah weapon binding might be the better thought in a BM build if you're not spending on spawning anyways. Hmm and I was thinking the Ri/R might even challenge the Ranger for BM prowress with the primary spawning attribute. Without that boost seems pretty clear R/Ri >> Ri/R for Beast Mastery.

Of course will have to wait until March to truly test the (nil) effect.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


FYI weapon spells = "target ally" :P