Less Laggggg
Akbur the great
i know it would be hard to do, but i still think Anet should go a lil farther to support players like me who live to far off the main road (middle of frikken nowhere) and therefor i have to use dial up for another year or so before cable becomes avialible in my area. i've played Diablo2 and Runescape(2) and masterd both of them and during no point of my playing was there lag like i experiance now, i mean i can even shift veiws without lagging in town (or outpost) once im outside its fine but it makes buying and selling with other players a real pain in the ass.
Mandy Memory
perhaps its your graphics card or something, because half of my friends play on 56k (one on 28k) and they all run TS as well. They experience no lag except for the guy whos video card does not meet the minimum requirements.
Im going to bet its your fault and the only way you can fix it is by upgrading your computer, because its not them. (GW uses so little bandwidth is amazing)
(you listed 2 games that are like 10 years old and not graphics intensive...they arent even compairable)
Im going to bet its your fault and the only way you can fix it is by upgrading your computer, because its not them. (GW uses so little bandwidth is amazing)
(you listed 2 games that are like 10 years old and not graphics intensive...they arent even compairable)
If you only experience lag in town that's almost a sure sign it's a graphics problem and NOT a connectivity problem. ANet has gone to great lengths to make sure that GW can run well on a 56k, and we've seen that it's true time and again. I would look into upgrading your video card ASAP.
Kool Pajamas
I have a great graphics card, Geforce 7800 GTX 256MB, and I still occasionaly get lag....and I have a cable modem....
Mandy Memory
occasional lag is different from constant lag, if another player is laggy in your game it can sometimes affect you as well.
Lions Arch has been brutal all day, even the empty districts. Not just me, many complaints in game too.
Kool Pajamas
I had problems in Lions Arch too. It was the first lag I've had in a while. It was really bad but my internet connection was fine.
It's still horrid. Buying/trading is a nightmare.
Upkeeping Guild Wars requires A LOT of memory on their servers. If you want to minimize lag, ask A-net to ban the scammers/bots.
OMG i just found out that A-net has a 3-strikes policy. Finally.
OMG i just found out that A-net has a 3-strikes policy. Finally.
Quid Pro Quo
I get a little lag in district 1 of LA but thats it.