I have the best armour that the crafter at Ascalon City can provide:
50 +20 Armour against Melee ( that's every piece not just the leggings )
With the Gladiator Helm ( 50 +20 +1 Energy +1 Tactics )
Also I have the Crimson Carapiece Shield ( 6 Armour +5 Whilst Attacking )With my points divided as so:
Prayers ( Smiting, Healing, Protection ) -- 2 levels eachWith quite a few Fighter and Monk skills including ( but not limited to ): Power Attack, Endure Pain, Sever Artery, Gash, Symbol Of Wrath
Strength -- 5th level
Swordmanship -- 5th level
Tactics -- 4th level
Weapon wise -- I've just got a Basic Longsword -- 7-10 ( Customised for 20% more damage )
Finally I tend to venture out with the CPU Henchmen to save time ( I've tried both the level 3 ones at Ascalon and level 6's at Frontier Gate )
Here's where the trouble starts....
As soon as I fight a party of Charr containing Magic Casters ( the big ones -- not the softies :P ) -- the entire party will usually get killed fairly quickly. They'll usually cast some form of Health Drain magic on each party member ( multiple times -- which seems to stack ) -- then the Blade Warriors will come in and finish off the party.
With no "Will Saves" I know of to stop magic attacks -- like other Roleplaying games -- the PVE game feels biased towards Magic Classes IMO. ( I can't comment on PVP atm )
I've not come across any object's that make me immune to certain effects -- meaning Draining magic always hits. When your fighting 5 or more Magic Casters that sap your health bar within a few seconds as a melee character -- what chance do I have..??
I'm now finding that certain areas definately feel too easy compared to others that are obscenely difficult....
Any suggestions to defeat the larger Charr Warriors...?? They seem mostly impossible when there's multiple magic casters with one or two blade warriors -- despite them being lower level... Am I perminantly stuck..??