Visier of Orr



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Has anybody been through the mission in Riverside Provence where you deliver the Scepter of Orr to the Visier and then have to protect him while he summons the boat? If so, how do you keep alive while he's summoning the boat? My friend and I have been through it repeatedly and it seems like the death of our characters is the signal for the boat to show up...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Protecting the Vizier while he summons the boat is the Sanctum Cay mission. You have to either defend him by killing all the White Mantle that come or do the runner's trick.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


It takes a while. There are a lot of waves, but if you just camp right around the end of the bridge, even with henchmen, its not that hard.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




What's this "runners" trick?

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

you inch up and aggro nothing

or just aggro <5 guys and tank it out of range of the visor and then run on the boat...this mission is real easy once you get the hang of it

*hint* you can book trick it till the cutscene



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
*hint* you can book trick it till the cutscene
One question...
What's a "book trick"?

Thanks, though...

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

tank holds a holdable item and draws all aggro

book trick = FoW book trick

SF gear trick

FA barrel trick

just hold the scepter



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
It takes a while. There are a lot of waves, but if you just camp right around the end of the bridge, even with henchmen, its not that hard.
Yeah, that's what we tried on three different occasions. Worked ok at first, then they swarmed us and handed us our butts...

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

I suggest getting a better pug



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
tank holds a holdable item and draws all aggro

book trick = FoW book trick

SF gear trick

FA barrel trick

just hold the scepter
Guess I'm newer than the average newbie. "FoW"? "SF"? "FA"? "gear trick"? "barrel trick"?
And once the Vizier get's the scepter, we can't really get it back...



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
I suggest getting a better pug
Just a guess, pug = player user group?

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
you inch up and aggro nothing

or just aggro <5 guys and tank it out of range of the visor and then run on the boat...this mission is real easy once you get the hang of it

*hint* you can book trick it till the cutscene
You give the Vizier the staff, so you can't do that.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

I ment up to then the last part is real real easy



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
I ment up to then the last part is real real easy
Yeah, that's for sure. We were pretty much dancing through it all the way. The character I'm running is a pyromancer. Run to the middle of them, light 'em up, and they all pretty much lay down and take a nap... We even got the bonus score. It's just that last part where the vizier takes his $%*%@& time casting the ritual that we keep finding ourselves holding our butts. <grumble grumble...>

Capitan Del Queso

Academy Page

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Pacific Time Zone

Pheonix Ascension

Originally Posted by AbeCadabra
Just a guess, pug = player user group?
pug = pick-up group meaning grabbing people you don't know and going

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Look if anyone on in this thread really really really can't do it, drop me a msg and I'll try it...or get my friend who solo's it all the time to do it. We do full ascension runs for people...for a fair price. The ascension part...not the helping with SC part.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Originally Posted by Capitan Del Queso
pug = pick-up group meaning grabbing people you don't know and going
Ahh. Thanks. Yeah, I know about THOSE... We started to get henchmen and had 3 people ask to join. The first one bailed within the first 10 minutes. The second one said he couldn't stay any longer and bailed after another 10. So we went from monk-heavy to 1 monk 2 warriors and me. Needless to say, our butts were grass and they were the lawnmower...

Mister Overhill

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Tampa, Florida

Sticks and Stones


It's been a long time since I had a character through there, but it seems like there was a sweet spot near the dock, where if you hung out there while the vizier is raising the boat, the mantle never show up. If that hasn't been changed by now, maybe somebody else has more exact information.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

New York, USA

Heroes of the Horn


if you stand on either of the 2 hills next to the dock, you will be ok. I've done that, and most of the time, no white mantle attack (occasionally 1 or 2 show up). You hang out there for the 3 minutes (I timed it) that the Claim Resource spell takes the Visier to summon the boat - it's cool to watch the boat appear also rather than fighting



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


Yeah. That works, but I think only when you're the only person in the party. Tried it with my friends and it didn't work.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Eldin
Yeah. That works, but I think only when you're the only person in the party. Tried it with my friends and it didn't work.
your friends have to sit on that little ledge overlooking the pier while you go out bit by bit until you trip the visier.

did it with a full henchie group yesterday so that works also

note that after you clean out the very close in mob you can take the henchies back to rotscale and have them stand in the poison until dead so they wont accidently wander off and trip the mantle at the pier

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


Inch your way up on that hill area next to the dock, when you see two White Mantles rushing at you, stop and turn back. Lead the two White Mantles back and kill them so you don't generate more.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

New York, USA

Heroes of the Horn


I've done with all hench and with all humans, and it works both ways.

When I'm with all hench I just go on top of the hill and stand there. The hench follow. No inching around or anything. And no white mantle then either.

Don't know about hench wandering off, they always follow me wherever I go.

The only times I've been attacked are when human players either don't stand up on the same hill as me (they stand on the other one despite what I told them) or don't stand all the way near the top of the hill. Then, 2 white mantle attacked.

Sometimes, hench are better


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Manic Smile
tank holds a holdable item and draws all aggro

book trick = FoW book trick

SF gear trick

FA barrel trick

just hold the scepter
You Forgot the "Bug-Light" trick at THK, Tank just holds the beacon torch while standing by the beacon up by the king - on the opposite side of the deck from him.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

One Dasterly Dangerous Guild


warrior+mending+dolyak sig+healing sig=hello desert



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Power Company


Thanks for the help folks. Worked like a charm the first time. Guess I was acting more like a warrior than I thought. Run right in, get my butt kicked, etc...

Thanks for the help again.



rattus rattus

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Weeeeeeee're off to see the Vizier
The Wonderful Vizier of Orr...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Canada, eh?

Legion Of Valhalla


I think I held one side myself my first time through while my team squabbled over the other side.

Ranger + a trap or two + troll unguent equals white mantle bodies angry that they couldn't take you down.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Our Folly


We also did the quest with a full party & only had to fight 2-3 Mantles it is all about where you are standing. It was my fourth char through & I had never seen the boat rise lolz. we all stood near the dock (some on the dock itself) and were fine. Hope this helps