how far is this going to go

devils wraths

devils wraths

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

the fianna [fi]


i now see in loads of towns monks charging fro them to heal the party. how stupid is this getting now i mean you have all thease new people playing the game and they get stuck because they are being told to pay for a monks healing i think this i explaning why people are running the missions now. can someone post what they think of this.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


i would say that its pretty damn lame. but im sure there are just as many good honest monks as there are ones askin for money.. and the best skilled monks are the ones that realize its a game and are not trying to make money left and fact i bet all the monks chargin money are all the 55 monks in disquse because there drops now suck soo bad at augry they have to find a new source of income



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

There's already a thread about the monk strike here in the Riverside Inn forum. Post in there instead. Thank you. Closed.