Please read before calling me a noob or something, because I have used the search option and I cant find the answer.
What is the deal with PURPLE items? There is no sense to it, and I have wasted a LOT of Gold trying to figure it out. Most Purple weapons I have gotten have NO extra modifiers which would make them Rare (like Gold weapons do) – Some Purples do have Hafts or extra modifiers on them, but that isn’t always the case. I even have a Hammer that is 19-35, but the only thing that is different from another hammer I have sold is that it is Purple. Purple Armors that drop hardly ever have runes on them and don't yield rare crafting materials any more than regular White items. For example: I have had Purple Axe Fiend Gear... No Runes, gives me hide... White Shaman Gear, gives me silk or whatever. So from my observations:
*Purple Items are NOT necessarily Rare (Though they can be)
*Purple Items do NOT yield Rare Materials more than White items
*Identifying Purple Items doesn’t do anything unless they come as “Unidentified”
Why are Purple Items PURPLE???
Purple Items..?
Anarchy 2k
I know what you are talking about, but I cannot answer, I can only clarify.
You know those items that are purple and don't even say "unidentified" on them? that's what he's talking about. Some items will drops that are teal, purple, yellow, and have NO use whatsoever. Not even "Highly salvageable" or "precious" or any rune or weapon uprgade. Just <purple name> or <teal name> or <yellow name>.
<rant>If you're going to nerf our farming spots, (unintentional or not,) please fix rare drops so it drops rares, not different colored crap that we already have/can get off the next mob.</rant>
Every time I get one of those it feels like I just got **** on by anet yet again, while they sit back and laugh. "He thought it was going to be something USEFUL! HAHAHA WE PWNED HIM!"
You know those items that are purple and don't even say "unidentified" on them? that's what he's talking about. Some items will drops that are teal, purple, yellow, and have NO use whatsoever. Not even "Highly salvageable" or "precious" or any rune or weapon uprgade. Just <purple name> or <teal name> or <yellow name>.
<rant>If you're going to nerf our farming spots, (unintentional or not,) please fix rare drops so it drops rares, not different colored crap that we already have/can get off the next mob.</rant>
Every time I get one of those it feels like I just got **** on by anet yet again, while they sit back and laugh. "He thought it was going to be something USEFUL! HAHAHA WE PWNED HIM!"
as far as i understand, purple just means "higher chance of getting inherent item mods". yellow is a higher chance but still, only a chance, see. you can get yellow crappy item easily, too

there are 4 rarity levels of items in the game. Normal, blue, purple, and gold
The more rare the item, the more its worth, will have better stats, and have a better chance at having a upgrade item or rune. If the weapon or armor has a prefix, like Firey Long Sword that means it does have an item you can extract with an expert salvage kit. Though you only have a small chance of succesfully removing the enchantment. Weapons drop upgrade items, armor and salvage armor drop Runes. I don't know that it is true, but it's a hunch that the higher the armor number on salvage armor the more likely you will get somthing good out of it, perhaps a Rare crafting item or a higher number of common craft items.
I have extracted both runes, and upgrade items from blue level rare items with the Expert Salvage kit, just not often. Your odds are always pretty low at extracting anythign useful from an item. Keep at it though, runes are good stuff and are easy to sell if you can't use them. Just make sure its not an item you can't use as is before you salvage it.
The more rare the item, the more its worth, will have better stats, and have a better chance at having a upgrade item or rune. If the weapon or armor has a prefix, like Firey Long Sword that means it does have an item you can extract with an expert salvage kit. Though you only have a small chance of succesfully removing the enchantment. Weapons drop upgrade items, armor and salvage armor drop Runes. I don't know that it is true, but it's a hunch that the higher the armor number on salvage armor the more likely you will get somthing good out of it, perhaps a Rare crafting item or a higher number of common craft items.
I have extracted both runes, and upgrade items from blue level rare items with the Expert Salvage kit, just not often. Your odds are always pretty low at extracting anythign useful from an item. Keep at it though, runes are good stuff and are easy to sell if you can't use them. Just make sure its not an item you can't use as is before you salvage it.
not all purple items are great........I found the worst purple item, it's practically same as the original form (normal)
Kain- Purple Armor drops pretty rule out the Rarity hypothesis. Purple Axe Feind Armor cannot be rare when you have 6 sets in your inventory at the same time.
I have spent many hours and much gold on expert kits determining that Rare items do NOT give you rare crafting items distinctly more than White items. Perhaps the White items have a 1/20 chance of yeilding rare and Purple have a 1/10. However, when purples only have something like a 1/25 chance in dropping, you still seem to get more rare from white items:
1/20 Drops (White yeilding rare) vs 1/250 Drops (Purple yeilding rare)
Of course, I am just guestmating on those numbers, but you can understand how multiplying those fractions makes the purples seem like nothing special.
White - Denotes an Ordinary item - nothing special
Blue - Denotes a special attribute, such as an Upgrade item or Precious or Highly Salvagabe status.
Gold - Denotes Rareity
Purple - Can have Upgrades or not, and can be rare or not, and can be special or not. See? It dosent make sense!
I have spent many hours and much gold on expert kits determining that Rare items do NOT give you rare crafting items distinctly more than White items. Perhaps the White items have a 1/20 chance of yeilding rare and Purple have a 1/10. However, when purples only have something like a 1/25 chance in dropping, you still seem to get more rare from white items:
1/20 Drops (White yeilding rare) vs 1/250 Drops (Purple yeilding rare)
Of course, I am just guestmating on those numbers, but you can understand how multiplying those fractions makes the purples seem like nothing special.
White - Denotes an Ordinary item - nothing special
Blue - Denotes a special attribute, such as an Upgrade item or Precious or Highly Salvagabe status.
Gold - Denotes Rareity
Purple - Can have Upgrades or not, and can be rare or not, and can be special or not. See? It dosent make sense!
As far as i could tell Purple items are alot less common to find, and they tend to to have slightly better base stats, mabey slightly higher minimum damage ratings? I am not sure if they do have better or worse odds of giving items? This is just a wild guess but I have found 1000 normal items, 300 blue, mabey 4 purple, and 2 gold just ever over the course of playing so far. Thats why i suspect it has to do with rarity also. Though i have only extracted items succefully from blue stuff?
that and purple and gold items become slightly more common later in the game and, i just now hit Kryta so it's a wonder i found any gold items so far. I have just been taking my time with this lovely game cause i think its going to be good for a very long time.
thank god someone clarified the purple item thing..i been stewing my nut about that for a while.. now i my nuts not stewed anymore...lest not about purple thanks for clarifying all.