Ascalon and Oink: DotB comic
And to the Victor goes the trophies. Poor armored Leeroy Jenkins' Gaile Gray.
I'd just like to apologise for the lack of comic updates. With lots of university issues to resolve, these last two weeks have left little time for the 30th one. I have started the first few frames, but it's probably going to be a little while before I can get to finishing it. With any luck I might find enough time this weekend, so unless anything comes up, Monday is a distinct possibility. Sorry guys for the delay.
Sweet, just sweet. My monk inspires to be you
Woot! How did I not see these a long time ago! These are [email protected] comix. I laughed. I cried. (Cause I wish I could do that)....and read every episode at the risk of getting in trouble at work!! Keep it up!! (NecroVader FTW!)
Little late, but that's just how it is.
Comic 30 - Guildies Collide
Comic 30 - Guildies Collide
Maybe they should..."Charge!"
This isn't going the way I imagined it oO
Good work gryph
Good work gryph
Arh, ye be a great writer of comics!. Yer Stylin of us pirates be great also, but me parrot asks can she be a birdie shot through the head of thon Togo fella, it would a be dream come true for her?
Great comic series, keep up the good work
Great comic series, keep up the good work
Brighthin my day!
Love the comics, keep em coming and the good work.
I like what you did to mhenllo lol
Love the comics, keep em coming and the good work.
I like what you did to mhenllo lol
Sorry it's taking me a while to get around to the next one. I expected the masters at uni to be a little more difficult than the undergrad stuff, but as it is I struggle to find the time to do the comic and actually play the game. Since I don't imagine nightfall is going to help the comic process, I thought I'd just give out advanced warning it's going to be a bit slow going for a while.
I haven't even started the next one, that's how bad it's got. Again, I hope to get some done at the weekend... Note the "hope"
Originally Posted by Molasses
I haven't even started the next one, that's how bad it's got. Again, I hope to get some done at the weekend... Note the "hope"
Arh, ye be a great writer of comics!. Yer Stylin of us pirates be great also, but me parrot asks can she be a birdie shot through the head of thon Togo fella, it would a be dream come true for her?
I be getting ter that Togo, but he be a factions character, and they be so hard to intergrate into this here tall tale. And though thar be a lot of shooting, it not be the shootin' of parrots. Dem's be conflictin' with da animal safety acts, and I never has me the heart to harm animals without dere being treasure at the end of its. Be expectin' the pirates back though, they be long overdue for a fair bit of action, I warrant...
Thank god for titles that you can get just standing in one place all day. Makes the whole process so much easier to do the comic.
Comic 31 - Fall From Power
Comic 31 - Fall From Power
Maybe that mesmer should do what Miette did to Fairbuckle in Labsenpai's latest "Ranger Brained" segment.
Mesmer? He fell on the Xunlai
No comic this week. Progressing through nightfall and preparing an important presentation for Uni, so I'm purposely giving myself time for those. I've at least started the next comic, so expect that sometime next weekend.
Aw, darn it all. I've been bugging Gonzo for at least a week, asking if he had been rammed by a boat yet, and look what you went and did! You injured an innocent Xunlai Agent.
All in all though, yet another awesome addition to the series. Keep 'em coming!
All in all though, yet another awesome addition to the series. Keep 'em coming!
Nightfall interrupted this more than I thought it would. Serves me right for trying to explore the whole of Elona. 97.4% and counting for any who care/wonder. It's coming up to a year of me making these soon. Who would have thunk it?
Comic 32 - Jail Birds
Comic 32 - Jail Birds
*reads comic 20 minutes after posting*
The mesmer goes "arrrrr". I'm confused....
*stalks for next comic*
So, when will the main GWG Activities page put up the rest? The most recent one is still #24 - prince in sails...
The mesmer goes "arrrrr". I'm confused....
*stalks for next comic*
So, when will the main GWG Activities page put up the rest? The most recent one is still #24 - prince in sails...
I really don't know. I reminded Inde about the comic updating in pms a while back, but that was before nightfall was released. I might try again, but I don't want to harass him. He'll put them up in his own time I'm sure.
Originally Posted by Griphyne
I really don't know. I reminded Inde about the comic updating in pms a while back, but that was before nightfall was released. I might try again, but I don't want to harass him. He'll put them up in his own time I'm sure.
Her... >_>
Yes. Yes, they'll be up soon enough...
Yes. Yes, they'll be up soon enough...
Lolworthy as always Gryphine, those poor pirates.....
I had so missed this thread, so anyhoo I'm in the 30th! yay! No speaking role though :P.
Griph we want moar!
I like the third one the most so far XD
Sorry I've delayed these at the moment. I've been getting a lot of uni work to get through and not enough time to do it. This may well be the last one this side of christmas, usual drill with my holiday hiatuses.
If I don't post before leaving, merry christmas, and enjoy the winter celebrations for me.
Comic 33 - A Tree Issue, A Tree Issue
If I don't post before leaving, merry christmas, and enjoy the winter celebrations for me.
Comic 33 - A Tree Issue, A Tree Issue
Great comic, I can't wait till after christmas .
Makes me wonder if the final episode of that one will involve the "Perma-ban" skill used by Anet on those poor 8-bit pixelated charries.
Final episode? Probably good to know I haven't got one of them planned anytime soon.
Originally I planned on several story arcs for the comic, but I failed to figure in how slowly I'd do them. I suppose maybe once I finish this first planned arc (which I just about have planned with the exception of the very end) I might call an end to it all. If that is the case, I'd be guessing no Perma-ban.
Still, long way off yet... at current pace that'll be at least comic 60ish
Originally I planned on several story arcs for the comic, but I failed to figure in how slowly I'd do them. I suppose maybe once I finish this first planned arc (which I just about have planned with the exception of the very end) I might call an end to it all. If that is the case, I'd be guessing no Perma-ban.
Still, long way off yet... at current pace that'll be at least comic 60ish
o_o I didn't know #33 had been released. Gonzo fails at keeping me updated! o_O
^_^ Yay for comic!
^_^ Yay for comic!
-Old 3FL-
These comics are...well....comical!
there great!
good job
there great!
good job
This comic is great!
I can't wait for the next one
I can't wait for the next one
You may have to wait a while, I'm strapped for time at the moment with this term's work being almost overkill just two weeks in. There'll be a lot less regularity to when I release them from this point until easter, since I can't say when I'll find free time worthy of thinking the thing up and actually doing it. From this point on, it comes as it comes.
However you (you know who you are) who have waited over a month for the next episode are probably sick of waiting, so I'll see if I can piece one together by the end of this month... no promises though
However you (you know who you are) who have waited over a month for the next episode are probably sick of waiting, so I'll see if I can piece one together by the end of this month... no promises though
Long overdue and with imageshack instead of the usual provider. Still, it should give a little fix for those who have been waiting, but haven't had the courtesy to post.
Comic 34 - Losing The Fat
Edit: Bah, haven't done this in so long that I forgot to update the front page.
Comic 34 - Losing The Fat
Edit: Bah, haven't done this in so long that I forgot to update the front page.
Yipyipyipyipyipyip, anyway <_< Arrrr com'ere Jim lad we be sailing towards roflffle and pwncake house!!
Mr. G
Hungry Hungry Hippos....thats made my day...TY
Ezra Hawkeye
This is the funniest MMORPG-inspired comic strip since WTF Comics. Great stuff.
Shadow Sin
OMG this was so funny. But was the ele named drinjino or dinjino O.O Im confused cause I saw both and Im wondering which is the right one. Anyway, excellent comic make more please ^^
It should be Drinjino with the 'R'. I know there was a spelling mistake back in one of the older ones, but I thought I had corrected it. Oh well, nevermind.
Also, my thanks to Inde for updating the comic on the main GWguru homepage.
I don't have the next comic yet for two reasons.
1) I just gave you one
2) Because I'm in the process of swapping all my AaO files from Picture Publisher to Photoshop. Not sure which I'll end up using on a perminent basis, but I might as well try to use the more modern program for the comic.
Also, my thanks to Inde for updating the comic on the main GWguru homepage.
I don't have the next comic yet for two reasons.
1) I just gave you one
2) Because I'm in the process of swapping all my AaO files from Picture Publisher to Photoshop. Not sure which I'll end up using on a perminent basis, but I might as well try to use the more modern program for the comic.
Ignore the post above. I do have a comic for ya.
Before you get too excited this one's pretty much filler. Still, two in one week ain't bad, especially seeing how much other stuff I have to be getting on with.
Comic 35 - The Cold Shoulder
I'd be interested to see whether people are happy with the style as it seems to have settled with. I was never happy with the original text boxes, and the speech bubbles in publisher never looked that great. However, people have their own opinions on these things, so let me know.
Before you get too excited this one's pretty much filler. Still, two in one week ain't bad, especially seeing how much other stuff I have to be getting on with.
Comic 35 - The Cold Shoulder
I'd be interested to see whether people are happy with the style as it seems to have settled with. I was never happy with the original text boxes, and the speech bubbles in publisher never looked that great. However, people have their own opinions on these things, so let me know.