There is NO WAY this can be within the rules...
Captain Arne Is PRO
Normally I don't mind the kinds spamming, I can just ignore them. But when i saw that, I was shocked. Can anything be done about it?
Nikki Moonlight
thats one of the weirdest recruiting rules so far...
You can try filling out a support ticket over at, but I'm not sure how this would be dealt with.
At least the recruiter said 'non virgin'....not that it matters.
I'm hoping the recruiter is a female, looking to start a female guild, one where her members won't be harrassed by horny older dudes.
I'm hoping the recruiter is a female, looking to start a female guild, one where her members won't be harrassed by horny older dudes.
Yeah i was in Lion's a few hours ago when i saw the same message...and i said to myself what is this world really coming too?
Numa Pompilius
Maybe I'm damaged by long exposure to the internet, but I found that ad somewhat funny. I mean, what are the odds that that guild consists 100% of adolescent boys who wouldnt know what to do with a girl even if given an instructional video?
I'd expect real predators to be slightly more subtle.
I'd expect real predators to be slightly more subtle.
Wow thats just WRONG
Athis Strider
Originally Posted by RaabTheGuru
At least the recruiter said 'non virgin'....not that it matters.
I'm hoping the recruiter is a female, looking to start a female guild, one where her members won't be harrassed by horny older dudes. |
Old enough to have raging hormones yet stupid enough not to control themselves. I represent a large portion of "older" GW players. At 37 I find there are many players around my age group. I also have heard this type of comment in game. Our age group does not make stupid comments like that when it comes to recruiting or anything else, if anything we try to avoid recruiting anyone under 17 so we dont have to deal with these inmaturity issues.
Just Another Dude
Thats wrong... I dont like the whole 13-18 part... thats too young for 'non-virgins'
Originally Posted by Vhayr
You can try filling out a support ticket over at, but I'm not sure how this would be dealt with.
I wonder if what was meant was 'non virgins' to the game of GW rather than if someone has had sex in real life, as that wouldn't make any sense at all and could hardly be proven in the first place those conditions.
If it was meant in the sex context that that is just absolutely funny IMO and posted by some horny teenager who doesn't have a clue.
If it was meant in the sex context that that is just absolutely funny IMO and posted by some horny teenager who doesn't have a clue.
what do you think they mean by "must be very active"...?
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Maybe I'm damaged by long exposure to the internet, but I found that ad somewhat funny. I mean, what are the odds that that guild consists 100% of adolescent boys who wouldnt know what to do with a girl even if given an instructional video?
I'd expect real predators to be slightly more subtle. |
Real predators would be more subtle.
Though, in response... I gotta get me an invite to that guild...
Originally Posted by eom
what do you think they mean by "must be very active"...?
Although the more I think about it I think ^^^ is not right and that the writer of the message is just a horny teenager.
Rayne Nightfyre
Goodness, that is quite disturbing as well as inappropriate. I would have SS'd that and reported it the second I saw that. Hopefully whoever has the nerve to say things like that will be punished is some way.
Murder In China
I'm pretty sure there isn't many "non-virgin" girls at the age of 13-18.
UW Farmer
Originally Posted by eom
wonder if I can still get hat 30 hp staff wrapping.
There is no such thing as a "mature 13-18 year old."
But that's still just wrong - report it.
FOX - There's 3,000+ guilds out there why you whining about the one? If the people in any guild have different views than you, you wouldn't enjoy being in that guild anyway, so what's the problem?
But that's still just wrong - report it.
FOX - There's 3,000+ guilds out there why you whining about the one? If the people in any guild have different views than you, you wouldn't enjoy being in that guild anyway, so what's the problem?
Mister Overhill
This is probably a joke, but unfortunately there are a few real life predators lurking around, just like everywhere else on the net. Fortunately, there are a few real life detectives in the game as well, including one I have known for years.
Tyrent Frath
Originally Posted by Murder In China
I'm pretty sure there isn't many "non-virgin" girls at the age of 13-18.
Francis Crawford
Anybody who would make such a guild, and really think that the admission rules would be strictly followed, is an idiot.
Francis Crawford
Originally Posted by Murder In China
I'm pretty sure there isn't many "non-virgin" girls at the age of 13-18.
It's wrong and very disturbing. It should be reported, if it hasn't been already.
* The bigotry debate should be taken to another forum.
* The bigotry debate should be taken to another forum.
That's pretty funny Obviously kinda ****ed up if it isn't tongue in cheek, but still..
If thats a joke, its not really that funny, but if not....... wow.
Captain Arne Is PRO
Well the site's been down for me all day, (ARRG I HATE ROGER'S CABLE), so after I eat dinner, I'll report it.
Captain Arne Is PRO
Is Guildwars the local sexual predator hideout?
LiQuId StEeL
Not surprising, but completely moronic nonetheless.
Feminist Terrorist
Originally Posted by Francis Crawford
Evidently you've never been in California.
Savio Closed.