I have a p4 3.24 with HT and a geforce fx 5950 ultra (256 meg card),1 gig ram 140gig hdd
while i can run the game at the maximum settings fine if i put the game into windowed mode the temperature according to the nvidia drivers goes through the roof.Last night after talking with some friends on msn leaving the game in windowed mode i heard the fan on my card speed up and then i checked the temp to find it was at 89/90 deg C, now thats just too hot concidering the temp now is 39c running no games and while running bfme (battle for middle earth) in windowed mode i get about 55c max.
The temperature seems to just jump up from 39 to 45 to 60 to 70, 80, 90 and then stops steady at 89/90c,what the hell is going on, dunno if its a driver glitch liying but i felt the card and it was seriously hot.
Check the screenshots here, it takes 2 minutes to get from 39 to 74 c
by the way i dont think this happens in normal full screen mode.i tried UNDERclocking my card too still happens!!!
anyone else got this problem?
screenshots -
Windowed Mode = 90c high temp on gfx card
Mathius killfeast
Principa Discordia
Wow, that's nasty! I assume that the cooler on your graphics card is working improperly, so now might be the time to get out some thermal paste and a compatible Arctic cooler.
Just to be sure, did you check that the cooler is set properly on the board? Does the fan stop spinning, or is it just spinning at different speeds all the time?
Either way, I seriously think it's about time you considered an Arctic cooler, before you need to consider a new graphics card.
Just to be sure, did you check that the cooler is set properly on the board? Does the fan stop spinning, or is it just spinning at different speeds all the time?
Either way, I seriously think it's about time you considered an Arctic cooler, before you need to consider a new graphics card.

Mathius killfeast
come on im not a noob, those were the first things i looked for.the card has a extractor slot and its own built in cooler, it is all clean and working properly, im not concidering a new peice of hardware or anything as it only happens with guild wars
ive seen other posts and its a common problem
ive seen other posts and its a common problem
Principa Discordia
No need to get defensive, I wasn't calling you a n00b in any way, shape, or form.
What driver version are you using?
What driver version are you using?
Getting some Artic Silver and an Artic Cooler isnt a very bad idea. It would allow you to overclock more and get more out of your card. Its worth it in my opinion.
Um, when i play windowed mode, its the same. 109

Wow... I should probably check mine then. I always play in windowed. Maybe that is a problem for everyone?
Principa Discordia
Any of you considered simply not playing in windowed mode?
It's a lot more taxing than full-screen mode, you know.

Sounds like a bug in the graphics driver.
I dont think any card would work near 212f.
I dont think any card would work near 212f.
Mathius killfeast
i used a newer driver a 76.50 i think from a 76.40 nvidia from guru3d still has the same problem only in window mode though, and if u bothered to read my post its cos i was talking on msn at the same time as playing inbetween killing stuff lol, still got the same problem and my card does work at that temp and it is acutally running at that temp because it is too hot to touch
Principa Discordia
Try rolling back to the 61.72 driver if you can, I have a friend with a 5950 Ultra who assures me that after much testing/benchmarking/troubleshooting, it's the best.
Once you've tried that, let us know.
As for the MSN Messenger thing, alt-tab is your friend.
Once you've tried that, let us know.
As for the MSN Messenger thing, alt-tab is your friend.

Why not just contact the manufacturer of the card? Maybe they'll be able to help.
Serafita Kayin
Windowed mode still renders the full desktop, and then overlays the game ON TOP of that, so it's no wonder that it's problematic.
Either an NV Silencer, or running full screen would fix it. Stock coolers are notorious crap on those. I had one. Loved the card, hated the cooler.
Either an NV Silencer, or running full screen would fix it. Stock coolers are notorious crap on those. I had one. Loved the card, hated the cooler.