Well, we all know about those purple faces and gargoyle-ish faces on the ring of fire islands. Recently I began to notice other faces amongst the textures for the rocky terrain.
Do you think I'm cracking up? I think ANet intended these faces...many companies seem to do that in games, hide stuff among the textures. Anybody else agree that these seem to be faces? Let me know if you find any interesting ones.
UPDATE: A second image. I raised the contrast and traced the faces in this one to give you a better idea.
Ring Of Fire - Faces?
Dude...how long did you sit there to see those? Even with the picture showing me where they were, I had to sit there for a good 5 minutes to determine the actual face.
But yeah I see it now that you suggest such a thing.
But yeah I see it now that you suggest such a thing.
Yup, ive noticed those too. I noticed them almsot instantly when i was playing, mabye i just look for that kind of thing
Yes...if anyone here has played the myst series, the second game, Riven, has some texture jokes like this (such as some creators' kids' faces and RAWA scratched into the rocks).
ashed - Not very long. Like 5 seconds?
ashed - Not very long. Like 5 seconds?
This is actually a pretty common phenomenon in the psychological field. From a young age people are accustomed to seeing faces. So when faced with something that we are unsure of we try to make sense of it sometimes resulting in faces appearing. This happens even though all it is, is a random grouping of pixels.
Woah buddy, this is a forum, we don't use big words like "phenomenum" and "psychological", we use words like, " WTF" and "OMG."
I don't know if I should congratulate you on your find or tell you that you need to get outside more.
I don't know if I should congratulate you on your find or tell you that you need to get outside more.
Jiao Yang
i noticed one some time ago but thoght nothing of it.. very interesting indeed