90% of the monk skill listings on this site are incorrect. IE.. min / max healing is wrong (for instance, my orison of healing does 63, and my breeze has a health regen of 9). Also mana costs, and recharge times are incorrect, and there are even skills missing from the database.
I will try to post a more comprehensive monk skills listing as soon as i'm sure i've unlocked them all ( barrig the elite's, of course).
Just a warning to monks out there. Just because the skill says "Heals target ally for 5-60" does not mean your maxed out. You can continue to increase the effectivness of the skill with spent points.
Some of the skills in the database have been removed from the game, as they no longer appear at the trainers specified on the skill page. I will make an effort to list these as well, or try to find them elsewhere.
Monk skill listings WAY wrong