I have posted my idea for a merchant/farming guild months ago (which i later created) but came across many difficulties. I will now attempt to revise my merchant/farming guild idea (taking into consideration GW:F).
Originally I had planned to incorperate an open market system and an auction house. However, since my initial plans, Guild Wars (Gaile Gray and The Frog) has announced that it has taken intrest in an auction house system for Guild Wars. Thus I will not persue that course of action. However, new ideas in Guild Wars:Factions may still allow my open market system to not only work but thrive.
In addition to my plans to have an open market system and an auction house, I had planned to also incorperate a "loan" system. I will still try to play on the idea of a "loan" system on Guild Wars but it may be too hard to regulate due to Guild War's "Supply and Demand" type of economy.
In any case, heres some info on how my merchant/farming guild ran:
First off, I would lay out the benefits of joining a merchant/farming guild..
Benefits: Free entry to guild hall, guild events, and guild sponsered activities Ability to participate freely in weekly markets Ability to participate freely in all auctions (officers) Free Gifts on select hollidays Free runs (when avaliable) to select locations* Ability to withdraw "loans" (see loans)* Reimbursed Funds Semesterly* |
Then I would explain what is needed of members...
Requirements (Effective Feb 1, 2006): (all members) Report all items, dyes, gold that were put into the guild fund (cm*) (officers) 1/4 of the money you earn will go to the guild fund (cm*) (officers) You must donate at least 1 out of every 6 dyes to the guild fund (cm*) (farmers/merchants) 1/4 of the money you earn will go to the guild fund (cm*) (farmers/merchants) You must donate at least 1 green/gold (cm*) (farmers/merchants) You must donate at least 1 out of every 8 dyes to the guild fund (cm*) (runners only) You must donate at least 1/4 of the money you recieve to the guild fund (collected twice a month) (runners only) You must run at least 4 guild members per month (not including special events). *cm = Collected Monthly *runners are required only a certain number of runs per month so all members may not be ran *we give out loans in exchange for items of equal prices. we will give back the item when the loan is payed off. (intrest is added depending on situation). Transaction fees apply. |
In addition to the Cost/Benefits of a Merchant Guild, possible recruitees should know what positions are open in the guild and what each position does.
We Are Currently Looking For People To Fit The Follow Positions: 5 Guild Advisers - To aid guild leader and oversee guild events 15 Guild Adviser Assistants- To aid guild advisers 10 Head-Officers - act as Q&A Information Center, aid adviser assistants, review resumes 30 Officers - advertise guild events, invite guests, collect money from guests, collect money, items, dyes from farmers/merchants 10 Runners - earn money, run members from ascalon city->droks, run members to select locations 50+ Farmers/Merchants - earn money, sell items, farm for items Spots Filled: 1/5 Guild Advisers 4/10 Guild Adviser Assistants 0/10 Head-Officers 0/30 Officers 1/5 Runners (at least) 2/50 Farmers/Merchants (at least) Total: 9/115 Spots Fulfilled |
I would like to point out one last thing before I move on to explain in detail about my Open Market System, Revised Auction House System, and Loan System....Recruitment.
One of the first challenges that I found while creating my guild was finding enough dedicated people willing to spend time to build up the guild. I found that an effective way was to create a GUILD APPLICATION. A Guild Application would consist of basic information (Name, IGN, Location (key), Age, Etc) and some advanced information (why you want to join guild, what services can you provide, etc). At the moment I don't really want to post my old Guild Application (because I may use it in the future since I planned it well).
Here I will explain the various Ideas that i came up with months ago for a merchant/farming guild (now revised).
-The Open Market System-
What It Is: An area designed specifically for selling specific items (high end, custom dyes, bulk materials) to customers. Think Sams Club or Costco.
How It Works: Guild members are stationed in various outposts and invite players to the designated area (guild hall) for a fee (my fee was designed to be 1k). Once the player is in the designated area, he/she could buy items from guild members (one per item type (ex. Custom dye trader, high end weapon trader, bulk supply trader, etc)) for lowered prices (lowered prices are available ONLY if the guild is getting enough players buying from them so that the entry fees make up for the lowered prices. However, if the guild cannot meet this condition then the items should be sold at current market prices). The player will then have approximately 24 hours to use their invite before it expires (the player will then have to buy another invite).
The Mechanics:
Entry Price (note that it costs money to invite people)= A
Market Price of Item = B
Number of Players Invited = C
Final Item Price = D
Final Income = E
Discount (only apply if guild can afford it) = F (ex. 25% off = 3/4)
To Calculate Final Price of an Item: D = B * F
To Calculate If Discount can be Afforded: E > A + (B * F)
(If discount cannot be afforded...use your brain and alter prices or entry fee)
How It Can Fail: You have 50000 people screaming "HURRY THE @*#$ UP" or not enough people.
-The Auction House System-
What It Is: An auction house. Think EBay.
How It Works (origional, without the Guild Wars auction house plan): Set a time and date on your guild's forum for when an auction shall occur. In addition, list what items are up for auction (I sugest high end items or bulk materials such as Ectos, Shards, Parchment, etc) and be sure to list the starting prices of the items (should be low since it is, infact, an auction) and the reserve price (AKA CURRENT MARKET PRICE OF THE DAY OF THE AUCTION). Be sure to have those that are interested in joining the auction post on your thread.
When the day of the auction arrives, You will need someone to collect a fee from the people interested to get into the auction (ex. 500g, 1k, etc). This way your guild benefits from the auction even more! After that, just follow standard proceedures.
The Mechanics:
Starting Bid - Should be low since you plan on AUCTIONING it.
Reserve Price - The price to meet (usually market price)
The Goods - Should be enticing and should be aimed at the high end buyers.
Price Incrament - Should match the item(s) you are selling (ex. 10k item, Incrament should be about 500g or 1k)
How It Can Fail: Auctioners Don't Show Up Or Lack of Intrest.
The 10 Second Wait - When there is a pause in the auctioning of an item when no-one is out for buying the item at a higher price, Count 10 Seconds Then say, "SOLD TO _______ @ ____K) If however the top bidder can't pay for his item, the item is then sold to the person with the highest bid below him.
How It Works (GW:F Auction House Way): Follow standard proceedures for the auction house (since we have no details on this yet we have to wait and see, but im guessing its going to be like GWG's auction or EBay's auction). Item goes to highest bidder. Simple.
How It Can Fail: [More Info Is Needed On The GW:F Auction House System]
What It Is: Your guild gives a player gold in exchange for an Item of Equal or Greater Value. Think Bank Loans Meet Pawn Shop.
How It Works: The player that wants a loan should be trusted (known by either you or one of your trusted guildmates). A time and date should be schedualed for a meeting with the player. During this meeting the player should specify how much gold he/she will require and how long it should take to pay the loan back. Also, a timeframe should be decided on to decide when the loan becomes void. The way this loan system works is that the player will give the guild an item/items greater than the loan (the guild should take into account the constant fluctuation in prices due to the supply/demand style economy in Guild Wars) and the guild will then give the player his desired loan (yes this basicly means its not a "true loan" but its more like a pawn shop). The player will then have a specified amount of days to pay back the loan before intrest goes into play (this is called a grace period). After a specified date (decided upon by the guild and the player), the loan will become "void" meaning that the item then belongs to the guild (intrest must still be payed by the player if he/she wishes to take out another loan in the future). If the loan becomes "void" and the intrest on the loan is not payed off, that player will be blacklisted (he/she will not be able to take out another loan).
The Mechanics:
Loan - money lent out to the player in enchange for an item/items of greater value (with price fluctuation taken into account)
Grace Period - Timeframe given to player to pay back the loan before intrest kicks in
Void Date - Date agreed upon by the guild and player when the item/items given to the guild in exchange for the loan will become the property of the guild. Intrest must still be payed (for wasting the guild's time) and if it isn't payed within 7 days, the player will then be blacklisted.
Blacklisted - player can no longer associate with the guild.
How It Can Fail: The item/items the player loaned droped its price BEYOND what was estimated therefore losing your guild money.
In conclusion, I would like to restate that quoted statements are MY actual statements that I myself have written in the past for my guild (in which I was guild leader...to clear up sone issues). This post may be reprinted and/or distributed as long as credit is given to me, the author. I would also like to go on to say that I have written this to the best of my 18 year old brain's ability (ill probably update this sometime or another). For all of you planning on creating a Merchant/Farming guild, Best Wishes
-Tsunami Rain
Questions? Comments? Drop me a PM or post.
On second thought maybe this should go in the Community Works section *not sure*.