mesmer secondary ? also seeing enchants and hexes q


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


Hi, two questions if I may:

I'm playing mesmer secondary, will take inspiration up to 9 or 10 in a pure healing monk mes build where inspir should be helping provide energy.

Anyone suggest good skills for mid to end game here. I feel like energy tap is too slow, but due to inexperience I'm probably not getting the most out of the inspiration line like i could. I don'thave all the skills available either, so what ones should i look out for once i get to maguuma jungle and beyond.

Also, this may sound uber noob, but I'm finding it hard to focus on both the health bar and tracking hexes and conditions as i'm rarely looking at the big mass of bodies in front of me and enemies everywhere.

I often thought it would be good if the energy bar for your party could have little sub bars, indented, with whatever prot or hex was on them, so i could see instantly who needed a hex removed.

How do other people manage to see what's going on to their team besides just clicking on all the individual's bars and looking at the top left corner.

Is that it and I just have to get better at it?


John Actor



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

The little colored arrows on the health bars tell you if a person is hexed (downward pink arrow), conditioned (downward grey arrow), or enchanted (downward yellow arrow), but there's no way to tell which or how many hexes/conditions/enchantments a player has, unless that player is yourself. You can try asking your teammates to call out (ctrl-click) any hexes or conditions that they badly need removed. That's about the best you can do.

Manda Panda

Manda Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadow Wanderers

One thing that really helps with the hexes and conditions is just knowing the area you're in. For example, my monk is in the maguuma jungle, the scarabs like to cast enfeebling blood, that skill causes weakness. So I make sure to focus my condition removal on the warriors.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Southern California

Wizards Anomyous [WoA]


Originally Posted by johnactor
Hi, two questions if I may:

Anyone suggest good skills for mid to end game here. I feel like energy tap is too slow, but due to inexperience I'm probably not getting the most out of the inspiration line like i could. I don'thave all the skills available either, so what ones should i look out for once i get to maguuma jungle and beyond.

I often thought it would be good if the energy bar for your party could have little sub bars, indented, with whatever prot or hex was on them, so i could see instantly who needed a hex removed.

I'm not sure where to find these skills, but Power Drain and Leech Signet work good for energy management. I think when my N/Me was at that point in the game, I picked up those skills somewhere. The combination of those 2 will yeild about 30 energy if used at the right moment. They're both interrupt skills.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by johnactor
How do other people manage to see what's going on to their team besides just clicking on all the individual's bars and looking at the top left corner.

Is that it and I just have to get better at it?


Do you even have the party window open?