Hi, im just wondering how aggro works in this game. when i come to a group of mobs they randomly attack people even if they arent attacked by that person. is it based on the amount of damage dealt? is there a way to "hold aggro"?
In the compas on your upper right side. The green dot in the center is you, and the white hazy circle around it is your aggro range. If the enemies (the red dots) come inside or touch that circle, you've aggroed them. They smell ya

He means agro as in who the monsters choose to attack when you are fighting them. So far I have no clue how agro is handled in this game. Sometimes I can be the first person to hit the monster and no one else has done anything yet but it still runs past me to attack something else. I have a sneaking suspicion that there is no way to control agro.
Originally Posted by RepinsMirg
He means agro as in who the monsters choose to attack when you are fighting them. So far I have no clue how agro is handled in this game. Sometimes I can be the first person to hit the monster and no one else has done anything yet but it still runs past me to attack something else. I have a sneaking suspicion that there is no way to control agro.
Originally Posted by Zoddo
that makes it hard to function as a tank. especially when fighting with henchmen
It also does double damage to undead, so 36 damage per second for 10 seconds. Against casters, I usually have to play it by ear. Sometimes I'll go get between the casters and cast it on myself while the tank takes care of the non-caster mobs back near the group.