Best armor for W/Mo?
Zero Hope
What's the best armor for a warrior/monk. 15k armors don't count. They may look different.
Since around 50% of everyone you see is a W/Mo now (VERY original), why not just look and ask what they have. Can't be too hard to find someone

Razer Burn
thats because people only take warrior or monks in their parties in ascension :|
Razer Burn
i was a level 20 r/me and it took me 15 minutes every time just to get a party. It was rediculous
I think it will still take a good amount of time before the community as a whole exeperiences the benefits of all of the classes, and is accepting to most of them.
On topic, it is going to completely depend on your play style. If you are an adrenalin skill heavy tanker, get the best versus melee. If you find you take more hits from elemental damage, maybe go dragon. If you need the extra energy to be able to use your skills, Gladiators. In fact, I can remember threads discussing the benefits of mixing armor types, and I think that at this point, the optimal armor would be a mix of some type. It really all depends on your play style and skill selection. There are many different ways to play the Wa/Mo.
On topic, it is going to completely depend on your play style. If you are an adrenalin skill heavy tanker, get the best versus melee. If you find you take more hits from elemental damage, maybe go dragon. If you need the extra energy to be able to use your skills, Gladiators. In fact, I can remember threads discussing the benefits of mixing armor types, and I think that at this point, the optimal armor would be a mix of some type. It really all depends on your play style and skill selection. There are many different ways to play the Wa/Mo.