Twinkiemonk 4: . . . What was the Strike about again?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



This monk strike business has got me all confuzzled. One end says it was a joke, but another side is burning tattoo-bras and cheering for the picket line. I can't make a judgement on the Monk Strike anyway. . . Why? Well, I'm a freak-smiter, nobody likes me!

Regardless, the ideas came like butter this time, lazy-twinkie art style included.

Edit: Gotta' love my ability to screw up spelling on each comic ^ ^.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Hehe, very cute. I"m just trying to figure out what that last frame is?

It's probably so stupidly obvious that I deserved to be kicked in the face >_>

Good job on it though!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



+Chug chug chug+



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


ah! I do feel stupid now.

Hurt me plx.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


I would say...
google feminists

but its basicly a myth that... female protesters dont shave thier armpits

here's a link that seems like balanced information...

here's a comment I found from Urban Dictionary:feminism

A doctrine, originally formulated during the 18th and 19th century as women's emancipation and suffragetism, that advocated the emancipation of women and attempts to get everyone else to recognize that women have equal rights to men.

Modern feminism is characterized by its doctrine of 'expanding choice for both genders', as feminists ostensibly desire a society where not only women may be allowed to do whatever they please (within reasonable, human limits), but to also allow men to enjoy the same freedoms as women should, which should include the choice of NOT doing something, if they do not wish to do so.

Unfortunately, thanks to misunderstanding and human nature, nobody really believes in this shit anymore, and people stereotypically associate feminists with hairy-armpit owning dykes who hate all men, and opponents of feminists as hairy boorish pig-subhumans.

Anyhow thats the artist's choice and freedom of expression, some people may agree or disagree with it.

However I thought it was funny.

ohhh that last frame ><



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
I would say...
google feminists

but its basicly a myth that... female protesters dont shave thier armpits

here's a link that seems like balanced information...

here's a comment I found from Urban Dictionary:feminism

A doctrine, originally formulated during the 18th and 19th century as women's emancipation and suffragetism, that advocated the emancipation of women and attempts to get everyone else to recognize that women have equal rights to men.

Modern feminism is characterized by its doctrine of 'expanding choice for both genders', as feminists ostensibly desire a society where not only women may be allowed to do whatever they please (within reasonable, human limits), but to also allow men to enjoy the same freedoms as women should, which should include the choice of NOT doing something, if they do not wish to do so.

Unfortunately, thanks to misunderstanding and human nature, nobody really believes in this shit anymore, and people stereotypically associate feminists with hairy-armpit owning dykes who hate all men, and opponents of feminists as hairy boorish pig-subhumans.

Anyhow thats the artist's choice and freedom of expression, some people may agree or disagree with it.

However I thought it was funny.

ohhh that last frame >< The armpit hair doesn't have anything to do with feminism in this case. The hair touches on the lines of lunatic masculine aggression and the silly idea that "there are no women on the interweb". The whole ra-ra-ra is between monks and everyone else, not men and women, saying otherwise is. . . lobbying in the wrong place. People who are offended by Twinkiemonk 4 should really relax +_+ and gripe about how crappy the art is, rather than than illusionary subtexts.

But I'm glad you brought that up, I'll try to steer clear from the dangerous. . . I suppose, but the Twinkie doesn't stop for anyone nor aims to mock a specific people-group in real life.

But anyway, thankies ^ ^.

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

Great comic. I especially liked the change of expression of the head tattoo.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

California, USA

The Elite Knights of Tarnia [PwnD]

Pretty good stuff. That penultimate frame had me going "wha?" Then I realized that it could be 2 things: something about feminism as an above poster said, or that most female characters are controlled by men. That's just my opinion, though.

Claire Wolf

Claire Wolf

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Zephyr Of Tyria [tZoT]


Oh yes.. I remember when going through ascending my necro I saw a monk in every district going "No respect! No protect! Go to Thunderhead keep!" and so on and so forth... What was it all about anyway ? Funny drawing too.

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


x_X @ unshaved armpit.

veryl mikagoh

veryl mikagoh

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Netherlands

The Moon Wailers


deviance, youre nuts looking up all those words in wiki pedia's...