What Wep. should i use 4 my warrior?
Akbur the great
right now my Att. points are in axe cause they my favorite but i could go to sword to. so plz post suggestions on what type of weapon i should use (along with price) that would be helpful. (also plz note that i WILL NOT be using Hammers just axes [preferably] or swords)
Well triple post most effected. Axes and Swords are great for fast attack, but in PVP I would say hammers has the most powerful attacks and combos.
As for a sword, posts vary on many weapons so if you would like a victos blade which is the new green item many people sell them for 20-35 k depends on the seller.
As for a an axe, victos axe from 35-50 k also depends on seller.
As for a sword, posts vary on many weapons so if you would like a victos blade which is the new green item many people sell them for 20-35 k depends on the seller.
As for a an axe, victos axe from 35-50 k also depends on seller.
I'll leave the sword vs. axe suggestions for others. I'll just say - in brief - that both can be effective and a lot depends on your style of play and the build you end up using. I recommend checking builds here and experimenting some.
But I can give you some good advice on price.
If you go down one notch from perfection, you can get good weapons at an affordable price. I'll give you some examples.
1. Low requirement weapons sell for much more than high requirement weapons. That's something to keep in mind if you're buying to resell. But if you're buying to us, the high requirement weapons work just fine. You'll want to put the max amount, or near it, in your weapon attributes. So buying a requirement 12 or even 13 weapon can be a money saver. I've seen weapons like this - with perfect stats in the important damage areas - selling for very little.
2. In general people are looking for 15^50 (or sometimes 15% in stance, or 15% while enchanted) weapons. Going from 15 to 14 will not make a big difference in whether you are effective or not. But it will make a big difference in the price you pay.
3. Buy an inexpensive weapon and then customize it for the 20% added damage. You'll find that some players spend enormous amounts of gold for a 15^50 weapon and then avoid customizing it because they may want to sell it later. But someone with a weapon with much lower stats - but that has been customized - will have more killing power. So spend less and then customize for the weapon you actually use.
4. There are weapon mods such as perfect health and sundering that command a high price. Consider buying a mod that adds armor instead of health. You'll pay much less and the armor will do you more good. Even if you decide you want +health, note that the price drops dramatically when you go from a perfect 30 to 28, 27 or 26. And - believe me - the 1, 2 or 3 points of health are meaningless (other than when you sell).
So I can't tell you what to do when you decide between axes and swords but I sure can save you some money.
But I can give you some good advice on price.
If you go down one notch from perfection, you can get good weapons at an affordable price. I'll give you some examples.
1. Low requirement weapons sell for much more than high requirement weapons. That's something to keep in mind if you're buying to resell. But if you're buying to us, the high requirement weapons work just fine. You'll want to put the max amount, or near it, in your weapon attributes. So buying a requirement 12 or even 13 weapon can be a money saver. I've seen weapons like this - with perfect stats in the important damage areas - selling for very little.
2. In general people are looking for 15^50 (or sometimes 15% in stance, or 15% while enchanted) weapons. Going from 15 to 14 will not make a big difference in whether you are effective or not. But it will make a big difference in the price you pay.
3. Buy an inexpensive weapon and then customize it for the 20% added damage. You'll find that some players spend enormous amounts of gold for a 15^50 weapon and then avoid customizing it because they may want to sell it later. But someone with a weapon with much lower stats - but that has been customized - will have more killing power. So spend less and then customize for the weapon you actually use.
4. There are weapon mods such as perfect health and sundering that command a high price. Consider buying a mod that adds armor instead of health. You'll pay much less and the armor will do you more good. Even if you decide you want +health, note that the price drops dramatically when you go from a perfect 30 to 28, 27 or 26. And - believe me - the 1, 2 or 3 points of health are meaningless (other than when you sell).
So I can't tell you what to do when you decide between axes and swords but I sure can save you some money.
I don't know the exact calculations of d/s, but the general difference is axes have a lower minimum and a higher maximum. 6-28 (mid 17) versus swords' 11-22 (mid 16.5). They have the same attack rate...
On the other hand, swords have interesting skills like riposte. However axes have a non-elite adjacent attack (cyclone) to build adren faster. So it really comes down to aesthetics.
My vote to sword.
So long as you're PvEing, Victo weaponry really isn't that great. Vamp is for the damage (good for PvP, not so good PvE) and Sundering is just crap. You're best off assembling a weapon, zealous X of defence is quite popular. Considering the costs of the mods, and then a droknar sword, you could get one for probably <10k.
On the other hand, swords have interesting skills like riposte. However axes have a non-elite adjacent attack (cyclone) to build adren faster. So it really comes down to aesthetics.
My vote to sword.
So long as you're PvEing, Victo weaponry really isn't that great. Vamp is for the damage (good for PvP, not so good PvE) and Sundering is just crap. You're best off assembling a weapon, zealous X of defence is quite popular. Considering the costs of the mods, and then a droknar sword, you could get one for probably <10k.
You shouldn't be so quick to dismiss hammers. Not only are they incredibly viable weapons for damage in both pve and pvp, you can also get a whole collection of them for less than the cost of just one 15>50 req 9 sword or axe.
Use greens - they may not be exactly what you want, but for the price they can't be beat. Razorstone is a pretty good one for axe, but almost any green weapon will be viable, and you won't be spending so much that you won't want to customize it.
Use greens - they may not be exactly what you want, but for the price they can't be beat. Razorstone is a pretty good one for axe, but almost any green weapon will be viable, and you won't be spending so much that you won't want to customize it.
try shopping around a bit. i bought my req 8 longsword for 150 gold. granted, it's a clean weapon, but it certainly gets the job done. also, try buying those weapons that are close to max damage. they usually have very good reqs and sell for very little. i've recently bought 2 near perfect bows for 1k total.
Murder In China
Try them all and see which you like.