ok, my parents just got a new comp--not sure on specs, but its new, cost about 950 or so (our last one crapped out under warranty, so it was free )
processor is 3.2, ram is a gig, vid card is....uh dunno. i do know it has the specs to run GW fine, but when playing GW, it will disconnect you randomly, and even if you try to move using the keyboard you get booted. aside from being dial-up, whats the problem?
PC disconnect (not 007)
Wrath Of Dragons
Res Surection
it may actually be what you dont know, the video card. if its an onboard, its not good, find out what video card u have.
Wrath Of Dragons
Originally Posted by Res Surection
it may actually be what you dont know, the video card. if its an onboard, its not good, find out what video card u have.
I actually think your problem is dial-up, lol.
Res Surection
it could also be the video card drivers if its an actual video card and not onboard