Originally Posted by femto
I suggest giving human teams another chance because when you find a really good team you can accomplish a whole heck of a lot more and it can be a lot easier.
Finding a good team is really hard once you get to the final missions... I don't know if it's because a 'good' team for those missions has to be a lot better than a 'good' team for the previous missions, or just because the people who get there somehow didn't deserve to get there and only made i through luck, but somehow, virtually every party that I've been in for the last 8 missions or so was terrible.
I'm guess this is because people don't want to follow they want to lead, and because everyone there has beaten the hard missions before it, each person who gets to those final missions thinks he's the best ever at the game and his strategy is the only right one, and should be followed regardless of if it works for this mission or not, and if it does, regardless of whether or not the rest of the group is willing to follow him.
The only truly good human parties i've been in are the ones in which at least half of the players were in my guild, and we were able to work out a plan. The plan itself doesn't even have to be great, it just has to be workable, and more importantly, everyone in the group has to know it and follow it, even if they don't agree with it. Nothing will work if there are people who will go off and do their own thing, and the majority of players that i've been in a group with want nothing else than to do just that.