Yes, you heard right. I'm quite fond of videogames, I play some competitions here and there (Call of Duty, UT2004, D2) and I love the fantasy genre, but my only experience was Diablo 2 back in 2001. Nonetheless, I consider the monthly fee of MMOs a very stupid feature (buying the game should really be enough to me), so that I never approached WoW or E2. When I saw the first Gw screens I was stupified. It was the graphical style I personally like more, and the review said "specifically meant for PvP". At that point, I could even afford to pay the fee. You can imagine the childish joy when I came to know there was no fee whatsoever.
So, here I am, mostly unaware of this kind of games (I have many friends who play them, of course, but never did it personally), with stupid and silly questions. Be tolerant please.

1) I understand the basics of districts, but:
-do european districts have differences in terms of lag, or they're somewhat
uniform? Where exactly can I see my ping and what ping is to be expected,
since I have a 10mbit connection? What's the average ping in crowded
2)International districts: how can I invite a friend to a specific international district? I'm happy I can play with people from US or Korea, but will I really be ABLE to play decently or lag will kill me (I suppose those districts are not on the same servers that host conventional european districts, for example...)?
3)Skill points are in some way re-distributable, or I'll probably mess up my first characters because of unexperience, and make them non-competitive for PvP?
I installed the game an hour ago, and I know that a world of fun is expecting me together with a world of hurt!