Post your 0wn3d screenshots!
my guild owns.
storm of daeth
u guys blue or red?
Murder In China
Jeez, I don't know
Lol, i'm thinking ____.
we were red. i had to crop out the rest of the image because imageshack wont let me upload more than 1.4MB or whatever their policy is...
I was red & blue at the same time.
this was a against a team of 3 monks and 1 mesmer who stayed the whole game and was laughing at us that we would never win
thx for telling me the color icefire
i cant remember how many matches ive had that stalled for 40+minutes because both of us had 2 monks and like no damage. Made some good friends and lively talk though
storm of daeth
this is kind of impressive ive seen guilds do just as good before u just played a REALLY bad guild that isnt good at pvp yet and for my coment up above i didnt know if he was being sarcastic or if he was serious so it could have been either
leeky baby
pointless thread FTW
Claire Wolf
-Shrugs and claps- Heh. Grats on that.. wonderful 'ownage' of the other team.
Originally Posted by leeky baby
pointless thread FTW
yeup. I had a ranger named that about a month or so ago.
yeup. I had a ranger named that about a month or so ago.