Remember that patch that gave all level runes different icons? Well, for the longest time I've had this superior divine favor rune on one of my characters, and I finally figured I was just gonna sell it to a trader the other day.
But, a friend of mine told me that there are people out there who would pay slightly more for a superior rune with the old icon? Is that actually true (I doubt it) or is my friend just screwing with me?
Pre-patch runes and prices
Evan The Cursed
Homicidal Brainiac
well, I suppose if u sell it to a collector, then yes, It's worth more.
Yes, some people, myself included, would buy them; but there also is a problem that they're used in one form of scamming. Since the old Superior looks like today's Minor, people would first offer the Superior and swap it with a Minor.
Also, I don't think you can't sell old runes to the trader.
Also, I don't think you can't sell old runes to the trader.
Evan The Cursed
Originally Posted by Savio
Also, I don't think you can't sell old runes to the trader.
Originally Posted by Evan The Cursed
My question was more like, "Would anybody actually BUY it? Or would people just yell at me if I asked for anything more than the trader offered and then scream at me as if I were a scammer?"
Second question:
In game to someone that can't tell - "u f'ing nubcake scammer lawlz i reprt u nce tri"
Here on GWG in a sell thread, with a screenie attached - what Savio said.