The final truth about drops(at least my opinion :)




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


I have offically played this game to much. im getting paranoid. one of my latest theories about drops came when my buddy that i play with almost all the time took 4 days off to go back to our home town. during his absence i farmed. i always farm. and for that 4 full days i had ZERO drop luck. but in the end i did not care. because merchanting crap whites and gold coin drops make about 2-4k a run anyway... and of course i always rotate my crops... so drop decay or anti farming code is not the issue..
when my pal got back we decided to do a strongbox run. i had not done one in forever (like 3 weeks).. and he had done one just before he left 4 days prior. now we get to the strongbox and i open it. low and behold he gets a purple crystaline sword. and of course i get squat... so my theory is actually now a proven fact that the game guild wars REWARDS people that do not play as much as avid players... so my drops suck cause i play this game at least 2 hours a day. but in the end.. i really feel kind of betrayed that a-net would reward halfassedness.
I mean if you got a great job and you work all the time then fine. in my opinion you should not have any better luck than the dude that has no life and plays all the time.. Its not fair for a-net to come out and say "IF YOU PLAY...YOU PAY." because i mean last time i checked.. anet said this game was skill based ..
and last time i check.. practice makes technicly the more i play the more i should get.. but that seems to not be the case with this game. i think im gonna take a week or two off just so i can get my drops back to par.
so that is my final word on any type of drop related anything.. i really dont need an opinion or rebuttle.. i just wanted to let some people know that .. maybe you play to much



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Got your aluminium hat on?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

The game is not all about farming. You can get the absolute best equipment from easier sources. I haven't done any pve in a very long time but I play everyday. It hasn't affected my drops.

I can see how not playing at all could possibly increase your drops but its all speculation.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


The game is not all about farming

lol when you beat the game 4 times .... and have a guild FULL of good pals but sadly no one pvp's then ya its all about the farmin.. just to burn away the seconds till ch2..besides.. i love farmin

I haven't done any pve in a very long time but I play everyday. It hasn't affected my drops.

I can see how not playing at all could possibly increase your drops but its all speculation.
Did you just contradict yourself?.. if you havent pve'd in a long time.. how can you get enough info to offer an opinion .. not trying to offend.. it just sounded kinda funny.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

The discussion of drop rates always intrigues me.

First rule I know is that you fight some random monsters before attacking the real prize cattle. I think zoning in a certain city many times over doesn't really matter; it's how many enemies of the same type that you've killed that keeps count.

In the end, after 2-3 runs, you have to take a break from them, because time is the other factor. I believe you'll have to "cool" off on them, and then do it again later on.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


I like your conspiracy theory. Until now, I blamed my bad luck for my pathetic drops. But seriously, never found anything perfect and nobody would buy the greens I'd gotten



Pre-Searing Vanquisher

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

If this was true...then every 3 weeks when I feel like playing my GF or Bro's account since they don't play anymore, then I'd be raking in the golds and greens...

And I'm not...

Everyone just needs to realize its random...I never seen a rare until I hit the southern shiverpeaks when I first played through...I never seen a black dye drop until owning the game for 5 months...its random...



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



I've never farmed for the gold, and yet I'm one of the richer people in Guild Wars now. It's not about farming at all, just play the parts of the game you feel like playing, if you earn gold with it or not, just don't think about it. If gold is the only thing you care about, deliver the newspaper a week, and buy a couple of million on ebay. Farm when you feel like farming, don't farm for the gold. After 1300 hours of playing, I'm still not very bored with this game, just because I never did anything that I didn't want to do. People just ruin the game for themself too much.




Join Date: Jun 2005



im glad i play 1500 hours with my ele , now i have made a necro for minium mastering ( still need 1 15 atrib quest for him ) and im making a monk , level 13 with droks armor , heh ... this means only now im learning a huge set of skills ...

<--- noob


about drop rates , i believe there is a formula that time played counts .. but that doesnt make me sad or anything ... this game is totaly not about farming , or drops ... its pure fun !!!

Lowly Peasant

Lowly Peasant

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

I dunno, last night I was in my first trapping group in a month. It was a 3 man team, at the group of atxxes at the stairs 2 ectos droped from them, both for me. We continued on to the smites, where another ecto dropped for a team mate. Later on, to finish the first quest 2 more ectos dropped, both for me as well as a key, to make 4 ectos for me. To say the least I was very suprised as I consider myself lucky to get 1 decent drop, and they also hated me.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005




I have two accounts (that alone should qualify me for psychological counselling). I use one almost constantly and the other occasionally. I farm at times with both. I don't see any difference in either drop rate or types of drops between the account that is used every day and the account that is seldom used.

Although I have to add that this game has turned me into a superstitious person and I'm ready to believe that there are some tricks to drop rates. In fact each time I read a new theory - including this one - I become an instant believer, grin.

It's just that my own experience often differs.

But my paranoia about drop rates is alive and unhealthy.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Got your aluminium hat on?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


don't forget to burn an offering for the drop gods.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Lions Arch


ok, heres what i have to say about drops. me and a group of guildies were on a IDS run a few weeks ago, and he got to the imps and nothing droped no IDS , so we decided to go back and just kill everything (note there is 3 of us). While we were killing we all noticed that drops seemed to come in rounds, first i got all the drops then one friend then the other ( i dont mean one drop for each, im saying several drops (like 10 each) before they change players). think about that. Ps: we all play all the time.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



Umm... maybe taking some time off might get you better drops when you come back. I took a 3 month break (from june to september). When i came back, i went to farm some hill giants, just for the fun of it. I got 2 sup vigors in the same day. Not a sup rune since than. Althou i got like 20 or more golden armors (ettin, hill giant, zealot, titan)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Farmers Union [CASH]


Well, I used to farm griffons, but I stopped because it was rather boring. So I went to farm Trolls instead. Then, one I felt like farming griffons again, and guess what, a 15>50 req 8 FDS just popped out . My theory is that if u farm on te same spot for a long while, the drops will get worse.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

The universal truth about drops: I don't get enough drops, and other players get too many good drops. Farming and chest running is like a slot machine addiction. The more you play, the less happy you are. Evil hobby I'm telling you...


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Farming is like cocaine.. the more you do it, the harder it is to reach the same high as before.

It's not that your drops are getting worse, it's just that you don't realize that they're staying the same.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Here is my observations.

I share my account with my wife she doesn't farm, I do with my 55hp monk.
I get usually 1-3 golds a day and well as purple and blue. I'm not farming 24/7 and help friends do missions as well as going back to try and do bonus missions / quests I've messed.

When drops start going down, I go to other areas (out of climate region, aka Crystal -> Krytia). I think it's the effect of using other characters or doing missions, quests.

I strongly feel if you farm 24/7 with the same charcter and do nothing else, it's going to effect you.

And Anet has nothing against farming -

There are three ways that certain players earn more gold than the average. The first and most obvious way is that, because everyone plays the game differently, some players are able to find unusually profitable areas to hunt in, or tricky strategies for killing a lot of monsters quickly. The search for the most effective way to play can be a fun part of the game for everyone -- we all like to see how well our characters can do, and whether we can tweak our characters to be better than they were previously -- and so we at ArenaNet don’t consider this a problem unless it’s extreme.
When it's extreme they will change things as they have in the past.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


lol i just got a great idea from this.. im gonna take this thread in a different direction.. Im gonna talk about our i guess you could call it.. farmin superstitions.. for example here is mine..

Whenever i got ettin farmin i always leave from L.A and i always kill 2 fire imps.. and 1 lynx on the way.. then after about 3 ettins i kill one more lynx and take out the rest.. i belive by doin this the game will be like "oh he isnt farming. he is killin everything".. dumb i know but i do it all the time .. now lets hear yours




Join Date: Jul 2005

BC, Canada

Mine would be that I HAVE to kill everything on the map..because the one thing I don't kill will have the awesome drop. I go around in circles...checking every place possible for remaning bad guys...just in case. Even though I Know that I'm wasting so much time killing the "little things".. and I could actually be making more money by just rezoning and starting over.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Sorry, but I think its all random, just a dice roll.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


yeah, I also think its random

but then this happend:

my brother did 3 green runs on a row and every time he got a VICTOS blade ...

how you explain that?

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Luck is a very important thign in this game i believe, you get lucky good for you, you don't you still get 4k so stop whining?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by Fist_of_God
Sorry, but I think its all random, just a dice roll.
Gaile has said that drops are random.

I think that there is anti-farm code the more you stay in the same region, the less number of drops you get but it is random based on "tables" for that monster, area, etc.

I don't know if this is 100% but this appears to be from what I've seen. I have had friends that tell me what others where some are "blesssed" as in stuff droping vs other that get no drops.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

The problem with your theory, Narutoscryed, is that you are basing it off of one drop experience. A bigger sample, say 10,000 runs, would show near equal drops for both of you.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


Umm guys are we forgeting a recent farming nerf that decreases the drops you get if you farm the same group of monsters over and over again.

I farm. I get GREAT drops by using a crop rotation technique. Basically you run 1 area then switch where your farming.

For me its:
Wurms-->Hydras---> Griffons(too easy )--->Gnawl--->Trolls

I plan on adding to the list.

From what I see the more different places you farm the better the drops. So drops for farmers are now more placed on how many areas you can farm. In otherwords SKILL!

However I do notice you get better gold drops if your in a team.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


I DON'T BELIEVE IN ANY ANTI-FARMING SHINDIGS. I've played GW for about 5-6 months now and I have yet to see any indication of such issue. I sometimes farms certain locations for days and I admit I don't get green/gold items every run but it remains consistant at about every 2-4 runs I get something.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



I'm an avid farmer, and I'm just about at my present goals: I do have about 1300 plats, and all but ten greens out of 86 (they are all cheapies I don't have too), but I mix it up between my monk doing FA/oro runs, my necro being orders in tombs, and my war farming ettins. All are in entirely different areas, and I mix them up, and I can tell when I've farmed with one too much, and when I've cleared things up in different areas to refarm.

I've had horrible streaks, I've had incredibly hot streaks, but they've mostly been average, for me.

Don't get too down, and don't obsess over getting one item or killing one boss.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


I have been farming SF for months and back than i have got lucky where i got 4 to 5 greens per weeks. Than recently, i hit a cold streak. For every run i go to, i never got any greens until last week where i got 2 good greens from SF. I still believed that drops rate is all random and the more you farm, the less chances of you getting something good.

Like ettins farming, first time i been there (1 month ago) i got like 10 gold armors, 14 purple, 6 blues and ever since than i can't get nothing from ettins.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



wow, sir skul, I've only just started farming ettins, and from the start it's been about 10 purple armors for every gold.

doing this in north kryta to the east of asc settlement?



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I don't know if you all weren't aware of this, but aside from a tendency for drops to be POSSIBLY a bit better if you leave the area for 12-24 hours, they're just plain random. That's all there is to it. Random doesn't mean streaks can't happen, it just says they won't happen all the time.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by EternalTempest
Gaile has said that drops are random.

I think that there is anti-farm code the more you stay in the same region, the less number of drops you get but it is random based on "tables" for that monster, area, etc.

I don't know if this is 100% but this appears to be from what I've seen. I have had friends that tell me what others where some are "blesssed" as in stuff droping vs other that get no drops.
Well I wouldn't bet the bank on that statement. She's getting info from the developers and of course they will think they are right. If you look at the update logs you will see that they've been wrong about loot distribution before. Its obviously more complicated than a random system or they wouldn't have had to correct it already. It's just not something anyone can really prove unless they give us an idea what algorithm is used.

Random would also mean that the rather decent sized group of people I run with (maybe up to 10-20 people) shouldn't be able to predict time and again who's going to get the best drop(s) on a run.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by byteme!
I DON'T BELIEVE IN ANY ANTI-FARMING SHINDIGS. I've played GW for about 5-6 months now and I have yet to see any indication of such issue. I sometimes farms certain locations for days and I admit I don't get green/gold items every run but it remains consistant at about every 2-4 runs I get something.
Hum, you must have hidden the tips popups then... Especially if you farm the same area over days you're more then likely to trigger the famous 'monster loot is decreased' info tip.

Just put tips back up, continue farming the same whatever zone you do and you'll eventually end up believing in anti-farming.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




Sympathy costs but a few clicks of your keyboard.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


damn is all i have to say

Diaku Diasho

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Thunder From Down Under


Ok guys I won't tell you my sercret because it took me a little while to crack.
But i give a few clues, as I always and I MEAN always get the best drops. I have 3 spare Pve Chars acting as Storage for me, (extra 45 slots) and 1 is full of rare materials and dyes the other 2 are greens and gold items, 6 are Bulwurks. But here in Point form are some things to think about.
1. In computer programs there is no such thing as 'Random' when the list has conditions.
2. The condition is There has to be a list or (Table of content) where the treasure comes from.
3. If the List is Numbered which makes sense to allocate the diff between rare and common, then
4. the conditions have to match for treasure to be picked in the rare section.
5. Allocation of Table or list must play a part in the build of a map.
6. Alloaction of conditions must play a part in % of the table.
7. If you paste it all together then you can work out what conditions works on what maps to produce high end picks from the treasure table.

Lack of time played or high hours of play has not much to do with this. the equtaion whould be too complex if it was.
Think more towards Total dam + total area + ect ect..... for starters.
Hope this helps.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

its random, the whole anti-farm thing the way most ppl mean it is a myth, just boosted by ppl who are feeling they have very bad luck and just wont admit it.. personally ive heard quite wild speculations on when u get anti-farm kick in, what are the consequences, and how to avoid (and most make no sense, plz admit it..)

the REAL anti-farm which ive seen and experienced myself, is when you just enter and kill the first group of monsters. You DO get a window pop up, telling you, that if you continueously kill just the first enemies on the map and rezone, your drops will get lowered. Play the areas the normal way to have full drops again.

I have only received this message TWICE in my gw career, once on minos at elona (was trying to collect horns, needed cloth back then ), and the other when i got my lvl20 tyrian warrior in the Tutorial section of Cantha (that monastery thing, went outside and after the first monsta i got the same message).

how bad is it after getting the message? before that, 15-16 minos used to drop at least 10-12 piles of stuff (gold/items). afterwards, same amount of minos dropped like 1-2 piles..

make your own conclusions, and dont believe everyone is conspiring to make u feel miserable

just call me jimmy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

just call me jimmy


One thing that I don;t understand is the 1st paragraph of this thread.
The Srongbox has not been around in Months!!! (Unless this is another so closely guarded secret that people are abusing). If so I completly hope your drops continue to suck!!!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Alpha HivE


I would have to agree
it seems as though if your not on for a while you get better drops
could jusr be my bad luck but it sure seems to be linked to not playing for a week or whatever