spoiler question about Mirrior
I am now fighting my mirrior but i dont think its my mirrior at she stronger faster and throws a ton of arrows
. I have tried every combo of skills switching attribute points. and still no go. i have done it at least 80 times now and getting sick of getting my butt handed to me. any secrects or tricks in doing this? also do i have to fight anything else after? thanks for all input.

Yeah the mirror part is somewhat deciving. They look nothing like you, but do use the skills you use. What classes are you? I would reccomend that you do not use any skill that allows for healing...I beat it as a W/Mo just by removing healing signet. My friend who is an Ele/Mes had to pretty much take in ZERO skills and fight the mirro with just a wand.... It can be done tho!
Once you beat the mirror u are ascended, but there is still TONS of stuff (missions/quests) to do before youa ctaully reach the end of the plot.
Once you beat the mirror u are ascended, but there is still TONS of stuff (missions/quests) to do before youa ctaully reach the end of the plot.
im a ranger and i doo about 37 dam with each hit and she dose 50. and i have taken no skills with me and somehow she still heals real quick.
i beat ranger mirror by just putting on all of those useless nature rituals...since they affect you as well, you can just shoot the mirror while they cast stuff that aids your shooting, and by the time theyve run out of stuff to cast, they should be pretty low on health
I found going in as a Mes/N with my most powerful skills basically screwed me. I got rid of my dmg dealing spells and focus on inttrupting and other skills that don't do much dmg. So as he was trying to cast them, I was busy attacking with my staff, and killed him easily.
thanks all for all rangers just take a all nature spells and while shes casting pumle her with arrows thanks guys i did it.
Pevil Lihatuh
lol i did it another way, load up on arrow skills then run up close so the mirror uses an axe. without any skills to use with the axe, he aint so tough

I just took out all my skills then ran close to him (so he uses chaos axe) then just beat him make sure your bow is max dmg though as it can still be preety close if u take favourable winds this should help a lot
thx to cantora mask for giving me the no skills idea when i needed it
thx to cantora mask for giving me the no skills idea when i needed it

If you need any more help for you char or other chars check out this thread: