Originally Posted by Inde
From Gaile Gray:
Some of you may have heard about guilds selling memberships. It happens sometimes, and we really don't have a position on it, although some on the team feel strongly about it privately.
A high-ranking guild is currently offering to sell "temporary memberships" to their guild. I don't know what's driving the buyers, whether it's wanting to get high-level training or whether it's a desire on the part of the player to gain the reward connected with the fun season just concluded on the Guild Wars Ladder. If a purchase is based on the regards, then two things need to be known: - The reward for this "fun season" is temporary, and it will go away at the end of the 1st Qualifying Season of the GWFC.
- The reward only applies to those who are active members of the guild, not those who have joined on a temporary basis. So if you join and are cycled out for another temporary member, you will outright lose the reward and you will not be able to get it back.
Anyone considering buying their way into a guild needs to be aware that they may be getting exactly what they seek or they may end up with far less than they bargained for, depending on their personal objectives. I hope providing the information above will help answer a couple of questions about the in-game item and guild membership sales.
Anet only has itself to blame for this.... As the game progresses into new chapters, (see Factions), more & more people will desperately be trying to join/ally with the top guilds so that they can enjoy the unique game content you have promised to those who control cites in the new continent. Also, the new GWWC is aimed only at the top guilds, leaving no chance for all the little guilds to get involved further prompting players to pay up for temporary memeberships.
I predict, no gaurantee, that large guilds will start charging for temporary alliances to allow smaller guilds access your promised 'elite mission' content.
This isn't a reflection on any players ability because not every player can be part of an elite guild, no matter how good they may be.
How do you intend to address this issue, or like WoW, do you intend to just let some players get scalped by others based on the Guild they belong to?