Template Updates



Before all else, be armed.

Join Date: Dec 2004


I updated the templates slightly, now we can use the "category description" for information. The text inserted into the description will appear bellow the title/horizontal bar and above all other category links. The placement is kinda funny at the moment, so I will make it easier on the eyes once the layout is up.

Also, I previously had the article summaries disabled; they now have been enabled (again, might look funny, we will be working on them once the layout is up). If you don't want the summary to show up, just make a space in the text field.

Note: HTML works in the description.



Before all else, be armed.

Join Date: Dec 2004


The layout template has been uploaded and it is working. The graphic part is finished, although the template itself is not. I hope to have most of it done by tonight, i.e. text colors, various article placements (author, rating, text, background etc). If it looks out of place, it probably is. Most of the text will be fooled around with to make it easier to read (including links).




Before all else, be armed.

Join Date: Dec 2004


It is about complete, a few things need to be changed.. but they are proving rather difficult to find in the templates.

This is how I currently have the articles setup: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/75.html

And category listings:

Anyone want to suggest modifications?

Also note, articles cannot be added through the CMS at the moment.. it probably won't be fixed until tuesday. I must have broken something while changing the templates .. so, if you are working on content, keep a hard copy for later use.

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

Looks good so far to me, THX. Keep up the good work.



Before all else, be armed.

Join Date: Dec 2004


Okay, the CMS is back to normal.