Now i just play by fun, enter some areas run by chests... try some massive farm... try clean all fog from world map... help some "noobs" like a avatar
Well what i trying to say... whem i farming furnace i make a run at begin of night... whait some time and play at end of night something like 4 hours later...
Thas my deal i play furnace by 2 months no stop... and i get a good drop rate, if i make 3 runs without a antifarm cooldown, in the last one i will get only one green or nothing( i enter furnace without npcs, with this u can kill 11 bosses)... well i kown the anti farm system, how this work ex. if u get a rare armor and thats show a superir, thats good if u get a major warning!!!. I allways think that efect of antifarm system aplys only to a area that u play...
Now i play all areas from world... and what i seeing now? I play a area one time farm a bit kill some foes and go to another (just enter portal), and start to farm same foes or anothers enter portal again to another area... and what happens????? the Drops are geting worst, rare armors give me major runes, rare itens give 1 mod, purple give no mods... bad stats...
Well if i enter a new "region", i get good drops from... but in less than a hour i start to get bad drops from all region...
Hell, now i just play by fun to get some cool weapows with good stats(looking for swords) and let the time pass not more for chalenge, not more for money... and them arenet dont let me get any good drop? I remenber i never be a massive farmer, just a gamer farmer, farm in teams... and i neverrrrrrrrrr see in 7 months i playing a real good drop... for anybody for me or parteners...
I get very rich at furnace... and see these days i just jumping around how hard is find money from normal play game or even massive farm...
I dont whant to whast my money buying things i take from ground... but i cant find thats things at ground...
In fact, arenet are nerfing drops from all region at time pass you play that region?