Some one more are felling thats like me?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Thats days i just jumping around, stop play any serius deal... furnace, UW, new UW (i call by this name) and FOW.

Now i just play by fun, enter some areas run by chests... try some massive farm... try clean all fog from world map... help some "noobs" like a avatar in hard noob missions... and because this i running all world...

Well what i trying to say... whem i farming furnace i make a run at begin of night... whait some time and play at end of night something like 4 hours later...

Thas my deal i play furnace by 2 months no stop... and i get a good drop rate, if i make 3 runs without a antifarm cooldown, in the last one i will get only one green or nothing( i enter furnace without npcs, with this u can kill 11 bosses)... well i kown the anti farm system, how this work ex. if u get a rare armor and thats show a superir, thats good if u get a major warning!!!. I allways think that efect of antifarm system aplys only to a area that u play...

Now i play all areas from world... and what i seeing now? I play a area one time farm a bit kill some foes and go to another (just enter portal), and start to farm same foes or anothers enter portal again to another area... and what happens????? the Drops are geting worst, rare armors give me major runes, rare itens give 1 mod, purple give no mods... bad stats...
Well if i enter a new "region", i get good drops from... but in less than a hour i start to get bad drops from all region...

Hell, now i just play by fun to get some cool weapows with good stats(looking for swords) and let the time pass not more for chalenge, not more for money... and them arenet dont let me get any good drop? I remenber i never be a massive farmer, just a gamer farmer, farm in teams... and i neverrrrrrrrrr see in 7 months i playing a real good drop... for anybody for me or parteners...

I get very rich at furnace... and see these days i just jumping around how hard is find money from normal play game or even massive farm...
I dont whant to whast my money buying things i take from ground... but i cant find thats things at ground...

In fact, arenet are nerfing drops from all region at time pass you play that region?

Robos Stavanis

Robos Stavanis

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Indianapolis, In.

Order of the Setting Sun

Originally Posted by Tarkin

In fact, arenet are nerfing drops from all region at time pass you play that region?
It was a bit hard to follow what you were saying, but if you are asking if the more you farm an area do the drops get worse, the answer would be yes. Anet's position is that this is meant to stop bot's, but farming an area over and over has the same affect by reducing the number and quality of your drops.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



I don't want to flame you, maybe you don't speak english and your doing the best you can............I really didn't understand a word of what you were trying to say.....sorry.

However, if your a red blooded American that speaks english, then shame on you for not paying attention in school......./slaps your lazy parents.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


hrm.. well. from what I gather from that curse upon the english language..

I think the op is complaining about how the anti-farm code is hurting his drop rate throughout the entire game world, even though he's not a "massive farmer". as opposed to a casual one. (which he descibes himself as)

He also mentions how he got rich seriously farming SF for a few months.. and now is having trouble coming by the coin due to drop deterioration.

So.. uhmm. Discuss?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

English is not his first language, so give him a break guys!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Phoenix, AZ

Semper Reformanda [SeRe]

This is not a flame, I repeat, no flaming here: maybe he should post in his original language and then we could use a translator like babelfish, etc.

Just some thoughts.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Originally Posted by boxterduke
I also gave up and I think I have a headache also, I just had an Advil.
Please speak English next time.
He was speaking English. Get off his back, anyone with half sense about them would be able to tell immediately that he is not a native speaker.

Give the guy a break and don't post if it isn't something about the topic.

He shouldn't just post in his native language as I am pretty sure that isn't allowed and the thread would be filled with just as many responses saying "Speak English next time" probably with a n00b thrown in for good measure.

The post isn't that hard to understand. The hardest part is that it is full of tangents and nonsequitors, but the spelling and grammar mistakes aren't that too far off from other people I have seen on these boards or the game.

Now to answer the OPs question/rant. And as this has been addressed in so many threads already.... Yes, all areas get affected by the anti farming code.

I don't believe they have "nerfed" green drops in SF as I have seen just as many lately as I ever have. It is difficult to earn your money straight from drops because of over saturation, competition and the fact that many people already have the items, so general market cooldown.

Also, people are saving their money up for Factions.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Houston, TX

Green Jello [NOX]

*hands Cherno a chill pill*

What's that saying? I don't remember...

Anyway, yeah, trying to farm greens and sell them is close to a waste of time. 1. Everyone and their brother is doing the same. 2. It's boring.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

To those who can't understand--keep your rude or sarcastic comments to yourself. Your spam contributes nothing to the question or discussion.

To Tarkin, drops are mostly luck, but the anti farming does make it harder as you go on to get better drops. The best thing to do is to not worry about money for a while, then try again. You'll eventually get a higher number of good items, although they may not always be very good.

I still have not found a 15%>50 sword in 9 months of play



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005

Peace Machine GRRR [DiE]


I have never bought into the anti farming stuff aside from the people who just go outside kill a mob or two then rezone and do it again until the warnings start popping up.

I have some experience with this after having hunted the entire Ettin race near to extinction and would have noticed if the drops where ever dramatically reduced. Sometimes drops were better than other times but mostly I think it's just a matter of luck and people seem to only remember when they have a lack of good drops rather than the times they get great drops.

I do alot of solo Fow runs and it holds the same for me at least.
Sometimes I can't believe how many drops I get and sometimes I get nothing for a couple runs in a row but the next time out I will get several shards and a few gold drops again.So I'm not covinced anything but bad luck is behind your lack of drops.
It can't rain all the time

Athis Strider

Athis Strider

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



His post title is "Is anyone else feeling like me? just in case anyone wondered.

I wish I could contribute words of wisdom regarding drops. After many many hours of reading posts and threads,the conclusion is that the randomness of drops has increased in conjunction with the amount of times one farms the same area. Farming area diversity is the key.

Ps. Tarkin, I understood your post with no problem.




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


...english dont is my first language...
Now i will only post "agree" or "dont agree"
For all that dont have english like first language is easy for understood what other people that dont have english like first language...
Well i bit but i try my best to express i think in a compressive language...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by Athis Strider

Ps. Tarkin, I understood your post with no problem.
i still playing to make my english better to... is very nice talk with people from all world...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



I'm hearing you in my mind as a German. Am I correct?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

When not at Aziure's Wizard Tower you can find my in Belgium

Knigths of the Keyboard Order - KkO

It's the effort of atleast trying to speak english that matters. I myself don't speak english as a first language. Perhaps it would do the world better if everyone give somebody some room for error, at least they are trying to speak in a language that isn't their basic language. (for example in my guild we have members with different languages - english still is our number one for open communication - but I find it atleast a form off respect that I can greet them in there native language)
@ Tarkin - I understood you well, and thats only because I was once where you are, it rock that you do the effort (you'll get better at it, and I'm not trying to lecture here). Personnally I doubt you german, but could be complete wrong here. Let me now how I can greet you atleast in you own language (in mine its would be 'Goedendag' and then the persons name )

And for us not native to speak english in the first please, always be ready to learn, it'll only make you better (what do we have to lose)

ON TOPIC, I think people only remember the bad times more and when its good, they just find it normal (NEWSFLASH - that isn't normal!!!!). Average is normal.
Also I'm not trying to flame here - it are just my personal opinions