02 Mar 2006 at 19:58 - 3
Yeah, it freaked me out also, I changed everything, passwords, etc. I do frequently switch between characters and accounts, since I have 6 PvE characters across 2 accounts, so that may have something to do with it. And when I think about it, all 5 of my friends that have had this happen all have several PvE characters as well as more than one account. So I'm sure it's nothing to be overly concerned about, but it still is a shocker no matter what.
But now that you mentioned it, I think you are right. I thought it was odd how once I clicked "Return to Outpost" after my team died in Hell's Precipice, the loading bar never progressed past 0% and just lagged out. So at that time there may have been tons of people in the Hell's Prec town, and the laggy server still read me as logged in, while I was trying to log back in. I just think that they should reword the error message, they make it sound very horrible. It should read something like "This account is already logged in, please try again in a few minutes." Removing the term "another client" would make it not sound so scary.