Where is the other 15 attribute quest?
Where is the 15 attribute point quest in the desert? Can someone give me specific directions? I did all the quests in Destiny Gorge a while ago, but I think I might not have talked with the NPC that it sends to you from there:/
you would have to complete at least one of the path changing quest............and you get the quest at Droknar's Forge
Night Daftshadow
After you complete the Forgotten quest at Destiny's Gorge. Talk to the NPC again for the 15 attributes quest. For this quest, you can find the NPC at the top of a huge cliff. You have to walk across a huge fallen statue that works as a bridge to get to the NPC.
both 15 attribute quests have a prequest
Forgotten Ones --> Forgotten Wisdom (desert)
Heroes Journey --> Heroes Challenge (forge)
Forgotten Ones --> Forgotten Wisdom (desert)
Heroes Journey --> Heroes Challenge (forge)
Hmm. I did the one for the forgotten, but the whole heros journey thing never panned out. I finished it, but never got anything for it. I didn't get another quest for it either. Do I need to do one of the path changing quests and then do the thing again, or am I simply SOL now that I've done the quest.
you are not eligible for Heroes Challenge
- you've completed Heroes Journey
- you've done at least one "class path" quest
- you've completed Heroes Journey
- you've done at least one "class path" quest
Apparently there is more to it than that. When I found Vanyi, he had both Hero's Journey and Hero's Challenge for me to do at the same time. Journey may trigger the availability of Challenge, but apparently it's not the only thing that will. I couldn't begin to tell you what it could have been. I generally do every quest available in one area before moving on and I'd already been to Seeker's Destiny's, and Hero's in the desert before I got to the forge, maybe that had something to do with it?