so im in the market for a new bow, i got over 10k saved up..., and i noticed that some bows have longer ranges then others, some have a higher rate of fire (speed which you shoot), and some shoot faster (the arrows travel to the target in a shorter amount of time
can some one help me as to which bows have longest range, highest rate of fire and so forth
i noticed so far that long bows shoot farther then, shadow, and horn, shadow has a faster arrow travel speed then horn, the spikey long bow shoots at a higher rate of arrows per second, but arrows move slower, then featured long bow, bt the feathured long bow arrows move fast like the shadow
i heard that the half moon bow shot really fast, can this be confirmed?
if any one has info on bows, plz let me know
question about bows, please help
There's a whole breakdown of bows on the GWG ,main pages - go to guides, it's under missile weapons, or since I am nice,
Daquiri Gladerunner
What would an Ascalon Bow be considered?
Mariena Feladon
Long Bow.
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The search function is a great tool