I've just hit level 20. Nice. When I went to spend my points I was expecting to be able to get to the 11/10/10 suggested in a build that I have copied. However I'm at 10, 10, 9. Both of these are excluding runes.
Is it that I need to go through the level 20 bar for the first time in order to trigger some final attribute points, or is there something wrong?
While I'm at it, can I just ask, as I don't have manual to hand, whether if I decide to drop some skill area down like Divine Favor, does that cost me attribute points, or can I just drop and raise my level in an area according to whatever I fancy. I just wondered as I seem to be getting my ass totally kicked in Zaishen challenges (lame I'm sure) and want to know if my healer character could be tweaked from healing, divine and inspiration into protection prayers or smiting or something.
hitting level 20
There's actually 2 extra quests that will give you 15 attribute points as a reward. One is from Vanyi in droknars forge. She's by the storage. The 2nd is somewhere in the desert, i forget where. Try using the search if u can, if its disabled, try googling it. I'm sure you'll find something. "15 attribute rewards quest"
there are 2 quest where you can earn 15 att. points so you can max out you attribute points at 200 in total. One is in de crystal desert and the other you get from vanyi near the xunlai storage in droknars (for more info plz search for the specific threads on this forum, its really detailed, also guildwiki can help you there).
If I'm right, just as with skills, you can't change your attribute point distribution while outside a town, only way that comes close, is change your armor/headgear which influence you attribute points (with runes for example)
If I'm right, just as with skills, you can't change your attribute point distribution while outside a town, only way that comes close, is change your armor/headgear which influence you attribute points (with runes for example)
great, thanks i haven't got to droks or far into crystal desert stuff yet ![Smile](../Img/smile.gif)
As long as I can change attributes around between missions I might try some stuff out, at least in zaishen.
anyone out there happening across this thread suggest a build for zaishen for a monk mesmer? 4 guildmates and I had a go at this last night for first time, we're not at all experienced pvpers and found this a challenge. Anyone recommend a foursome that can cope with zaishen (that doesn't revolve around 4 trappers)? I ask because it's not like I have 4 level 20's I can just use to suit a purpose, and I'm not sure my guildmates do, we went in with 2 necros a warrior and me the monk last night and got battered. Would be good to know what people think of the zaishen stuff and whether it's possible to tell an order in which the differently focused zaishen mobs come at you, I kept equipping spells to find that the next time in they weren't as useful on one type of mob as another.
As long as I can change attributes around between missions I might try some stuff out, at least in zaishen.
anyone out there happening across this thread suggest a build for zaishen for a monk mesmer? 4 guildmates and I had a go at this last night for first time, we're not at all experienced pvpers and found this a challenge. Anyone recommend a foursome that can cope with zaishen (that doesn't revolve around 4 trappers)? I ask because it's not like I have 4 level 20's I can just use to suit a purpose, and I'm not sure my guildmates do, we went in with 2 necros a warrior and me the monk last night and got battered. Would be good to know what people think of the zaishen stuff and whether it's possible to tell an order in which the differently focused zaishen mobs come at you, I kept equipping spells to find that the next time in they weren't as useful on one type of mob as another.