Questions about my guild



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Alliance Of Ascended


I made a guild and since it wasnt getting enough members so I decided to promote everyone to officers .Pros are that there is no rage kicking and everyone is kind of equal .Today, i was adverstising for my guild in Ra and There was this person that says that my guild will never make it to the top 1000 or near it because my guild isnt organized.Is that person right or should i demote everyone?

I woud like to know your oppinion about it and what should i do.

P.s: The officers are good listeners and they will not disobey rules

please dont flame



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

Well making the top 1000 just takes some activity and teamwork, so if you have that, how your guild is organized really doesn't matter.

I would suggest though that having everyone as an officer could be an issue. You should reward people with the greater responsibility rather than cheapen the status by just giving it away for doing nothing special. Also any officer can start a guild match, so if you don't want matches started under certain conditions you had better make sure all of your officers buy into that, otherwise someone could tank your rating by running with a henchman build.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Black Sun Templars


I noticed your profession as a warrior monk. That generally would have more to say about never being a top 1k guild. If your aiming to reach 1k you need a few things

- Active listening members
- Skill and knowlage
- Good builds
- An envirement that makes people want to stay in your guild.

You can easily get into the top 1k today if you so desired, just win 2 matches in gvg. It might be much wiser to merge with a current guild, or ally with a current guild that has some expierence or is at the same level as you are. It sounds like you dont have alot of knowlage in what you are doing. This is perfectly fine, as pvp is a learned skill. Learn it. Go do as many hoh and gvg's as you can, even with hencies. Almost all the top ten guilds are comprised of players with some expierence in pvp, and that work together.