Scarab Queen, farmed...
Well, here it is (with henchies, though)...and no drops from the Queen herself
I guess farmers are back in bussiness (with farming the anti-farmers )
I guess farmers are back in bussiness (with farming the anti-farmers )
Numa Pompilius
Yeah, Augury sounds like the War Camp: "MM Necro LFG queen farming"...
It'll pass, tho. The staff is so easy to get everyone and their grandmother has it in a few days.
It'll pass, tho. The staff is so easy to get everyone and their grandmother has it in a few days.
morbid dreamz
id go after it but im to famred out ill just wait 2 weeks and buy it for next to nothing
All that i have to say is this is some serious BS.
1)not only have they made droks run 10X as hard
2)not only have they hurt W/Mo skills
3)NOW they eliminate griffs this is class A BS they want to kill farming and running and i for one am mightily pissed off
1)not only have they made droks run 10X as hard
2)not only have they hurt W/Mo skills
3)NOW they eliminate griffs this is class A BS they want to kill farming and running and i for one am mightily pissed off
Farming is a bit harder / have to learn totry it a bit different. Anet has nothing against farming unless a) Bot b) Human Bot for company to sell gold c) causes imbalance with game and they will tweak to fix it (not remove it)
There are threeds coming up on alt area's way to do things already.
Mr Wolfmaster
Originally Posted by Cador
All that i have to say is this is some serious BS.
1)not only have they made droks run 10X as hard
2)not only have they hurt W/Mo skills
3)NOW they eliminate griffs this is class A BS they want to kill farming and running and i for one am mightily pissed off Heh I wish I had picked a primary warrior as one of my 3 characters. Personally just cause they are nerfing some of the things warrior monks can do (and no one else) I don't think you should get mad because other classes can't do some of that stuff anyway. Plus healing hands and mark of protection were buffed. I know a lot of warriors like those. It may suck that you can't farm anymore but just figure out something else. I'm sure there will be a new big farming thing within no time and this little fit of yours won't even matter.
1)not only have they made droks run 10X as hard
2)not only have they hurt W/Mo skills
3)NOW they eliminate griffs this is class A BS they want to kill farming and running and i for one am mightily pissed off Heh I wish I had picked a primary warrior as one of my 3 characters. Personally just cause they are nerfing some of the things warrior monks can do (and no one else) I don't think you should get mad because other classes can't do some of that stuff anyway. Plus healing hands and mark of protection were buffed. I know a lot of warriors like those. It may suck that you can't farm anymore but just figure out something else. I'm sure there will be a new big farming thing within no time and this little fit of yours won't even matter.
They made dust trap blindess worse, but Ele's for some reason got a heck load of good damage upgrades. Maybe more traps will be needed for farming UW, oh well....
Grasping Darkness
whatever you do dont try to run out there solo with a me/r and sprint past everything and pull her from the group drain energy and mind wrack her! cuz that would mean you would have found an exploit! MUAHAHAHAHA
and i almost forgot . whatever you do , do not try to pulll any griffons , rockshots or minos into the patrols to get em out of the way ! lol teh pwn
and i almost forgot . whatever you do , do not try to pulll any griffons , rockshots or minos into the patrols to get em out of the way ! lol teh pwn
yeah, fire ele's got a huge boost.. too bad they're all local aoe attacks.. ie flameburst and inferno.. etc
Canadian Bacon
What does this queen drop?
And to the above poster, I love your avatar lol.
And to the above poster, I love your avatar lol.