extra atributes
I got the first set up 15 atributes from destinys gorge. I did the first quest vanii gave me and now when i talk to her she tells me to do some quests in the dessert.. Which quest do i do in the dessert? Im getting all these Elementalist's path, and stuff like Mesmer's Path, im a 55 monk and dont want to change any 2nd proffesion but i do want the last set of 15 atributes.. What do i do?
Originally Posted by xJaggedx
I got the first set up 15 atributes from destinys gorge. I did the first quest vanii gave me and now when i talk to her she tells me to do some quests in the dessert.. Which quest do i do in the dessert? Im getting all these Elementalist's path, and stuff like Mesmer's Path, im a 55 monk and dont want to change any 2nd proffesion but i do want the last set of 15 atributes.. What do i do?
you can do the quests and not have to change your second prof to get the quest. just do the mesmers path when they ask if you want to change prof say no or cancel. then go talk to vanyari.
so i have to do all the "path" quests then talk to vanii or just one "path" quest?
Just one.