Green Farming Question



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Ok, so I know that when people farm SF for Green Items, they use 5 people in a party, and today I saw people in Augury Rock making 3 person groups. Obviously they make the groups as small as possible so each person has the maximum chance to get a green item, but the new boss in the desert is easy to take down with henchmen... Do I have a chance of getting the green weapon if I just do the quest with them, or do I have to have at least a certain number of people in my party?

EDIT: I got an answer in game finally, apparently henchmen count as people in terms of loot, and you just don't see the loot that would have been assigned to henchmen...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


You can easily do it with a good warrior, MM and just a healer.
Don't go with hench, they aren't that good :') And I think there's more chance with a real party tho