A Farmer's Paradise

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by drowningfish999
What the game needs is a BALANCED drop system. You start at the top and move down, simple as that. From what I've seen, the drops are based on experience, the more you have, the more likely you are to get drops. So the more you farm, the move drops you'll get when you join a group, which seems completely unbalanced in my view.
That deserve a whole new thread all on its own. Tell Anet that.

A balance drop system would certainly help encourage grouping.

Peoeple ALMOST ALWAYS try to avoid bad luck, and to solo is the best way to avoid having bad luck of no drops.

Although I am not very convinced at "drop are based on experience" part.



Riding the Gravy Train

Join Date: Oct 2005

Chicago Area

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Personally I would choose teaming up with some guild mates and tearing the chit out of FoW or UW over farming any day. Just having fun together is what its all about. I just wish that they would make the drops in-game a little more consistent and fair. I went out to FoW with some buddies a few nights back and I was the one getting all the drops. I walked out with like 6 shards, a req 9 gold chaos, and a number of other golds while they got purple chests. How jacked up is that? Ruins the fun for everyone!

Chris Blackstar


Join Date: Apr 2005

United States

Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Try doing something besides farming. There is more to this game than smacking the same monsters over and over.
Like what, smack the same monster over and over in missions, or smack other players around in PVP. I noticed the some players simply cheat there way in a tournament just to "Farm" fame and rank, so what is the difference if it is Fame, Rank, Faction, or Items!!! It's farming just the same no matter how you look at it.

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

my warrior has over 1.5mil xp and my necro has just short of 1mil yet my necro has a much better drop rate than my warrior so no its not xp based.

myself and many overs have asked for a staggered drop rate to promote team farming many times.

i solo when i feel like it and i team when i feel like it thats my choice just as it is your choice to farm or not.i have nothing left to do and have been that way for some time now,what with all 4 pve chars finished,i can't stand pvp for a few reasons,which i will list,but fully understand that many do like that side of the game and so i don't call for it to be removed or nerfed.
reasons for not liking pvp
1,the leetism of ranks making it almost immpossible for new or old timer unranked players to get a group
2,i am a collector of many things and as such would love to get a rank emote because they are there to get(namely the wolf emote which ever rank that is because it looks cool)but it doesn't look like thats ever going to happen.i could have joined an iway team to gain rank but that just looked far to easy.
3,if you are lucky and manage to make an unranked group you can pretty much bet on having at least 1 leaver in there which hurts much more in pvp than it does in pve.
4,communication devices are also a big steping stone for many as some can not afford to pay for 1 or refuse to use 3rd party programs which goes against there eula.

also farming isn't just solo,sometimes i solo sometimes i get into teams in the high-end missions to help other players out and to hopefully find some elusive items that i want for my warrior and sometimes i will get in a farming party.

so yet again "each to there own" lets leave it at that everyone has there pet hates and favorite bits in this and any other subject that is how it should be because if we all agreed on everything then the world would be static and boring.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by DJ Josh
4,communication devices are also a big steping stone for many as some can not afford to pay for 1 or refuse to use 3rd party programs which goes against there eula.



The only thing you would ever need to pay for, regarding communication, is a mic. That's it. Nothing else. What the hell is this "3rd party programs" stuff?