Heros Ascent bug?
chaos dragoon
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this bug, one or two of your party members cant move, but it isnt lag because they can see everything else move and even cast. My group had this happen and the other group had two "glued" players also. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. This has also only happened after the new patch.
Hasn't happened to me yet, hope it dosen't.
It happens superlag, it sucks, and sometimes after a few minutes the battle started you get error 7.
That happened to me earlier I was just stuck in place and couldn't use any skills but i could still chat, it didn't stop til the party zoned and then i was fine. I have had the "superlag" before but when that happened i locked up and couldn't do anything and eventually got err=7. This lag or whatever it is is different.
Ive seen it happen when somebody gets stuck in a location. They can be partially or fully submerged into the terrrain and cant move.
Manic Smile
older then this patch...about 2 months now