I did a pre-searing quest with my new char and I got a longsword with a crystalline skin. I sold it to the merch because I couldn't imagine getting much for a 4-7 sword.
It was cool to see my char holding it, because I will probobly never buy a real one.
Crystalline Longsword?
Your question?
ooops sorry. Was it actually worth anything?
As you said, this is a pre-searing quest reward. Everyone who does the quest gets one. As you also said, you're not going to get much for a 4-7 sword. You've really answered your own question.
Mr D J
lol I guess he ment how much is it worth. It's worth around 1k to an IW mesmer or 55 Monk in post.
If your skin collector then it's the perfect substitute for the real thing. If you only want it for appearance.